Bible Questions # 879-888 By Joyce Webb Book of Job The name Job is the name of a man. In English we say “job” to mean “work”. To say the name of this man, you say it more like the name “Joe” then add a “b” to it. This book is hard to read
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Who was the mother of Samuel? ________________________ I Samuel 1:20 2. David sinned and took a man’s wife to make love to her her name was __________________________ her husband’s name was _____________________ II Samuel 11:3 3. Who watched flocks of sheep at night when Jesus was born? ________________________ Luke
Bible Questions # 862-878 Esther 862. Chp. 5:1 Three days later Esther dressed up and went to see the king. What happened? ____________________________________________________________ 863. Chp 5: 4 What did Esther ask the king to do? _______________________________ Who else was to come? ____________________________ Esther did not tell the king why she wanted them to come. 864.
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. What did God make woman from? ________________________________________Genesis 2: 21, 22 2. Jesus said: “Rejoice (be happy) because your names are written ____________ __________________________ Luke 10:20 3. Which person stopped to help a man who was beaten and left for dead? A priest a Levite a Samaritan Luke
Bible Questions:#845-861 by Joyce Webb Esther 845. Chp. 2:21 Mordecai worked in the king’s palace. One day he heard two guards talking about something. What were they talking about? ______________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 846. Chp. 2:22 Who did Mordecai tell? ________________________ 847. Vs. 23 What happened to the two guards? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 848. Chp. 3: 1 Who
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Who was the man who led the people of Israel out of Egypt? _____________________Exodus 3: 10, 11 2. Adam was made out of the ______________ of the ______________________. Genesis 2: 7 3. Who told Joseph that he should go ahead and marry Mary and not break off the engagement? (or “divorce”
Why do we take Communion and do Water Baptism? Matthew 26;26 -29 The Last Supper “Jesus took the bread and blessed it and broke it, he gave it to the disciples and said, ” Take eat; this is my body.” And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, He said, “Drink