Salvation Small Group Study by Joyce Webb 2011 Lesson 3 1. Do good works matter in our standing with God? Good works will not save us. Ephesians 2:8,9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is a gift of God: not of works lest any man
Salvation Small Group Study Lesson 2 by Joyce Webb 2011 Lesson 2 1. How does sin change our relationship with God? Sin put a death penalty over our head. Death would come to the body. Death would come to the soul/spirit. Sin breaks our relationship with God. Choosing our will over God’s will is disobedience
Salvation Small Group Study Lesson 1 by Joyce Webb 2011 Lesson 1 1. What is sin? How does it change our relationship with God? How does it change our relationship with others? Sin began with Lucifer. Lucifer was Satan’s name before he sinned. Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven. But he decided he wanted
Don’t Be Fooled! Know Your Bible! By Joyce Webb 2011 A few months ago, a preacher made an announcement that the “rapture” was going to happen in May. God was going to take all the Christians to heaven. The people left behind would go through a very bad time, and then the end of the