Tabernacle of Moses The Tent Church of the Wilderness Spiritual Lessons God told Moses to make a Tabernacle (Tent Church) for the people of Israel. They had left Egypt after 400+ years part of them in slavery. They had crossed the Red Sea. They are in the desert/wilderness a hot dry place of sand
The Gospel of John Made Easy Chapter 14 Verse 1-3 These 3 verses are worth memorizing. These verses are quoted in church services, funerals, and many other places. These verses tell of a wonderful promise from Jesus to us. “Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. In
Bible Questions # 901-916 By Joyce Webb Daniel Judah —-the kingdom with 2 of the tribes. Israel with 10 of the tribes. Judah stayed more faithful to God for a longer time. But then they began to be as bad as the tribes of Israel. God warned them many times to change their ways or
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Where did the soldiers cut Jesus with a spear? _________________________ John 19:33,34 2. To which disciple did Jesus say “Feed my sheep.” (Meaning to teach people about Jesus.” ________________________ John 21:15-17 3. Jesus said: “And these shall go into everlasting punishment; but the _________________________ into life eternal.” Matthew 25:46
Gospel of John Made Easy Chapter 13 Verse 1-5 It is the last Passover supper that Jesus will have with his disciples. Passover supper is every year in the springtime. Passover was a time to remember when God brought the Hebrew people out of Egypt. They had gone to Egypt to find food during the time
Bible Questions # 889-900 By Joyce Webb Book of Job 889. Satan came again before God. Job Chp 2 Vs. 3 God told Satan—-see—-you did all those bad things and took away everything but Job still is not angry with me nor has he given up his faith in me. Vs. 4, 5 What does
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Where did Jesus tell Peter to find a coin to pay a tax? ___________________________ Matthew 17:24-27 2. Where did Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus stay because there was no room for them in the inn? __________________________ Luke 2: 5-7 3. Who was the tax collector who climbed a tree