Bible Questions # 985-994 By Joyce Webb Matthew Chp. 3 985. John the Baptist has begun to preach. He is in the wilderness of _______________. His main saying is: “ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________” Vs. 1, 2 986. Vs. 4 What kind of clothes did John wear? __________________________ 987 Vs.4 What did he eat? ____________________________________________ John lives
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Who told Joseph not to break his relationship with Mary because she was expecting Jesus? _____________________________ Matthew 1:19-20 2. Jesus told his disciples to be as “wise as _______________________________ and as harmless as _____________________________” Matthew 10:5, 16 3. The shortest verse in the Bible is: “Jesus ____________________________.”John 11:35 4.
Bible Questions # 973-984 By Joyce Webb Matthew Chp. 2 973. After the wise men found the child Jesus, did they go back to King Herod to tell him where Jesus was? ________ Why? _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Matthew 2:12 974. Joseph was warned in a dream to do what? ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Matthew 2:13 975. Why did
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. What is the last word in the Bible? ______________________ 2. What did the dove bird bring back to the ark? ______________________ Genesis 8:11,11 3. What baby was put into a basket and floated on a river? ______________________ Exodus 2: 3 4. How did John the Baptist die? ____________________________________________ Mark
Bible Questions # 959-972 By Joyce Webb Matthew Chp. 1 959. Matthew 1:17 There were ____________ generations from King David to Jesus. 960. Joseph and Mary were engaged. (In that day, engagement was an agreement the parents of Joseph and Mary had made together. It was a legal promise to marry. You could not just change your mind
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. What Old Testament book tells about the people of Israel coming out of Egypt and crossing the Red Sea? _____________________________ 2. How many sons did Noah have? _______ What were their names? _______________ _______________________________________________________________________ Genesis 10:1 3. Who was the mother of Samuel? ______________________________I Samuel 1:20 4. Who was
Gospel of John By Joyce Webb 2013 Chapter 20 Vs.1 John tells of Mary Magdalene coming to the tomb. She sees it is open. She goes to tell Peter and John. “The other disciple that Jesus loved” seems to be the words John uses to talk about himself. He is the “one that Jesus loved”.