The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 25 Vs. 1-5 Festus was the new governor he was at the city/town of Caesarea. He went to Jerusalem on business. While he was in Jerusalem, some of the Jewish leaders tried to get Festus to bring Paul to Jerusalem. They hoped to get Paul as he traveled and
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Is it true or false that man was the only thing made from the . _____________ Genesis 2: 18-19 2. It was said of Jesus–as a child— “He grew in _________________ both with God and man.” Luke 2:52 3.Who was Moses’ sister? ______________________ Exodus 15:20 4. Which king in
The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 24 Vs. 1- 9 Ananias the high priest came and brought some Jewish leaders with him. He brought a man named Tertullus ro speak. Paul was called in before the group. Tertullus stood up to talk to the governor. He said nice things to the governor about how he
Bible Questions # 2251-2258 By Joyce Webb Matthew 24 Vs. 1-14 2251. Vs. 1 , 2 Jesus showed the disciples the buildings of the ___________________. Then Jesus said that the day would come when none one ___________________ would be left on top of another. 2252. Vs. 3 The disciples ask Jesus: ________________ will these things happen? And
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Who was Samson’s girlfriend? _______________________ (The one who took him down.) Judges 16:4 2. How many stones did David pick up to kill the giant? ___________ I Samuel 17:40 3. What man received a promise that he would see the promised “Messiah” before he died? ______________________ Luke 2:25-26 4.
The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 23 Vs.1 Paul speaks to the group of Jewish leaders. He tells them that he has lived before the Lord knowing in his heart that he was obeying God and doing the right thing. Vs. 2 The high in the group told the men near Paul to slap Paul’s
Bible Questions # 2235-2250 By Joyce Webb Matthew Chp. 23 2235. Vs. 1-4 Jesus said to his disciples and to the crowd —He said the Jewish teachers tell you about the scriptures and what you should do. .Did Jesus think that those leaders were doing right? __________ 2236. Vs. 4 Jesus said that the leaders make many
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Finish this verse: “All things work together for ___________________ to them that _______________________ God.” Romans 8:28 2. Nicodemus talked to Jesus one night.. Jesus told him that he must be _____________ _________________________ if he wanted to see the kingdom of heaven. John 3:3 3. Joseph’s father, Jacob, gave