The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter 15
Some believers men from the area of Judea were teaching the new believers (non-Jewish believers) that they had to be circumcised after believing in Jesus.
All Jewish men were circumcised when they were 8 days old. It was a command given to Abraham in the Old Testament. Circumcision was cutting the foreskin of the penis.
There were other groups of people who circumcised the boy children, but most groups of people who were not Jewish did not circumcise the boys.
So when the Greek/Gentile men became believers in Jesus these men from Judea were telling them that they had to be circumcised.
Paul and Barnabas tried to tell them that the new believers in Jesus did not need to be circumcised for them to follow Jesus’ teachings.
They tried to tell them that to have salvation from sin all a person needed to do was believe in Jesus confess their sins repent (turn away from sinning) and live a life following Jesus’ teachings.
Jesus did not teach circumcision. He did not say the men had to have this done.
Salvation is of the spirit. We believe with our mind and spirit. It is not something you do yourself to earn/win or make yourself worthy.
Circumcision was a “sign” in the men that they were part of Abraham’s covenant/promise. Abraham promised to follow where God was leading him, Abraham believed that God would give him a son and a large family and give him land..
Men who were circumcised showed that they were part of the promise to follow God and part of those who would receive what God promised to give.
Because most of the men in the other nations were not circumcised it made them “different” and they were “set apart” because of what they believed.
Circumcision became a “sign” of those who believed in God and followed the only true God.
Now in the New Testament people are no longer “under the laws of the Old Testament’ Jesus said he was giving a new testament or covenant/promise.
We say that now we are “under grace”. This means it is not about following the Old Testament laws but following the teachings of Jesus. That to receive the blessings and promises of God—–all we need to do is believe. It is a spirit thing.
That does not mean the that 10 Commandments do not need to be obeyed. If we follow Jesus teachings we will automatically obey the 10 Commandments.
In a vision/dream Peter saw the sheet coming down with all the animals in it. And God’s voice said to eat. So the Old Testament laws about eating certain meats is no longer, There is now a new way—-all meats are allowed.
Now the idea and practice of circumcision becomes a big discussion. Paul tries to explain all of this to these men. It becomes a big discussion. Finally Paul says he will go to Jerusalem and talk to the other disciples about it.
Vs. 3
Paul and Barnabas go to Jerusalem and on the way they preach in some of the towns.
Vs. 4,5
Paul and Barnabas talk to the men in Jerusalem about circumcision. Some of the men were from the group of leaders called the Pharisees. They thought that all the Jewish laws needed to be followed just like always.
Vs. 6-11
The disciples talked about it. In vs. 9 they say that all people have to come to Jesus and believe that Jesus was God’s Son and that he died for them. This is done by faith and believing.
Not by anything a person does by himself in “doing works” of some kind.
So if we have salvation and forgiveness of sins by faith and believing then “doing these other things” does not have anything to do with whether a person can be forgiven or not.
If a person followed the law of circumcision would a person have to follow all of the other Jewish laws?
There were many Jewish laws! It was hard for the Jewish people to obey all these laws!
Vs. 10 The Jewish believers disciples decided that there was no reason for the Gentiles to have to follow the Jewish laws.
Salvation and forgiveness of sins came from confessing, repenting and believing so the disciples were not going to tell the Gentiles that they had to follow the Jewish laws.
Following Jewish laws would not save anyone not even the Jews. Believing in Jesus and obeying Him is what would save someone.
Vs. 11
The disciples said we had to believe by faith in the grace and forgiveness of Jesus
And so do the Gentiles.
Vs. 12
The discussion was over for now.
The Paul and Barnabas told the group about all the things that happened while they were traveling from town to town.
Vs. 13
James stands to talk to the group.
He reminds the group how Peter was the first one to preach to the Gentiles. And how he was told to eat whatever they ate.
James said that they should tell Gentiles to
Stay away from anything having to do with idols and not to eat meat offered to idols
Not do any sexual sins
Not to eat the blood of animals or eat animal meat from an animal that was strangled and the blood did not flow out of it.
(These laws were preached in every Jewish church everywhere for many many years.)
(Jesus only preached about sexual sins He did not say any thing about what they should eat or not eat.
Later on, Paul has another discussion with believers about eating meat offered to idols. I Corinthians Chp. 8 Some of the believers thought they could eat meat that had been offered to idols and it did not bother their conscience to do it.
Paul said that this may not be a wise thing to do. Other believers felt it was wrong. And it would be best not to eat that meat so as not to hurt the other believers. They thought it was wrong, but if they saw the other believers eating it they may follow and eat it to even though they thought it was wrong.
Paul told them we know that idols themselves are nothing (just stone, wood, gold)
And only God in heaven is the true God. Even so it would be better to honor the other believers and not eat the meant offered to idols.
The whole idea was to stay away from anything having to do with idols. Because so many of the people in that area believed in the idols and worshipped them. Even though the idol themselves were stone, wood, gold, the people believed that spirits came and lived in the idol. They believed that the spirits blessed the gifts given to the idol.
Believers/Christian did not believe in spirits blessing the meat/gifts. They believed that the God of heaven blessed us and gives us all the things we need. So the believers/Christians felt it was wise not have anything to do with any part of idol worship.
It was part of their testimony that they were free of idols and worshipped the true God of heaven.
Eating the meat offered to idols would not help their testimony as Christians.
The Old Testament rules about eating the blood:
The animal always had to be killed by cutting its throat so it would bleed.
Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood:…….and it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Therefore, I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourned (lives) among you eat blood.”
The reason the were not to eat blood was because it was the blood of the lamb sacrifice that made “payment” for their sin. Later it would be the blood of Jesus on the cross. Blood flowing out symbol of a life given death a payment for sin.
The lamb became the sin offering instead of them dying for their own sins. The lamb died for them. Later instead of us dying for our sins Jesus died for us. The Old Testament lamb was the substitute for Jesus until it was time for Jesus to come.
The sentence “The life is in the blood.” Only in modern times with medical understanding do we finally understand how the “life” is in the blood. A blood test can tell genetics, diseases, and so much! Our life….the make up of our body… is told by the blood.
Vs. 22
Two men were chosen Judas and Silas to go with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch to talk to the group there.
A letter was written it said the things James said.
So the men went to Antioch. Judas and Silas were good men of God and had the gift of giving prophecy and so they taught the people and ministered to them.
Then Judas and Silas went back to Jerusalem and Paul and Barnabas went on to preach.
Paul and Barnabas thought to go back to all the churches that they had preached to before to see how the believers were doing. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them. But because John Mark had left them on the trip before Paul did not want to take him.
Barnabas wanted to give him a second chance. Paul did not agree.
So Barnabas and John Mark decided to go certain places. And Paul chose Silas to go with him and they went to other places.
So the two teams went to all the churches seeing how the believers were doing and to encourage them.