Book #10—-Galatians Made Easy Chp. 6


Chapter 6

Vs. 1 Paul speaks to the believers:

He calls them “brethren” or “brothers” meaning they were “family” in the Spirit and in the same way of believing.

He tells them that if someone does wrong or sins go to that person and try to get them to come back to the right way. Do it in a humble way. Remember that you, too, could be tempted to do wrong. So do not act proud and “above” them. Do it with kindness to show you care about them.


Vs. 2 Share in other people’s problems and troubles. Help where you can. Help if they want help.

By sharing and being kind we do the law of Christ that is to love our neighbor.

Vs. 3 Do not think too highly about yourself. Do not be too proud.

Do not think you are really “great” “hot stuff”, “really somebody” when you are really just average. So do not deceive yourself.

(It is healthy of mind to think well or good about yourself. People who hate themselves have a problem. But thinking too much about yourself is not good.)


Vs. 4 Every person should show by what he does what kind of person he is.

Then he can feel good in himself that he has done what was right and he did his best. He does not need to compare himself to others.

(I wonder if there were people in Galatia who were very proud of the “good things” they did to help others. Maybe they thought they were more spiritual or better than people who did not do as much as they.

Maybe other people who were not able to do as much were “looked down on” because they did not do as much.)

Vs. 5 Every one is responsible himself for what he does. Every person should do what is his work or his duty to do.

Vs. 6 You should give good things (or pay) the person or persons who teach you the things about God.

Sometimes when people did not have extra money to pay their pastors they gave them vegetables from their garden, fruit, or meat. Maybe they shared something else that they had. But in some way they gave something to those who taught them about God.

Vs. 7 Do not fool yourself do not deceive yourself what ever you “sow” “plant”

that is what you will reap.

If you plant the seeds of sexual sin you will reap many problems. If you plant seeds of mean hateful words about others you will reap many people against you.

If you plant seeds of any kind to please your sinful selfish nature you will reap

problems from doing those things.

If we plant seeds that please the Spirit of God we will reap blessings and we will be a blessing to others.

The King James Version says” Be not deceived. God is not mocked. What so ever a man soweth (plants) that shall he reap.”

I think of some of our government leaders in the news on TV. How they had sexual affairs years ago in secret and now it comes out and it makes big problems for them.

Some of them cheated with money years ago in secret but now people found out about it and they have many problems now.

Sins and wrong doing you may think no one knows. God knows. And years later, someone will find out. Someone will tell. Then many problems you will have.

So Paul is warning them be careful because what you do today may come back on you later. If you live right as the Spirit of God wants you to then you will not be sorry.


There is the spiritual part of this, too—–if you live just to please your sinful flesh and for this life——-you will not have eternal life.

If you live to please God and keep away from sin—–you will have eternal life.

Vs. 9 Do not let yourself grow tired or weary of doing good or well. We will reap good things and a reward in heaven if we do not give up “grow, become faint”.


There are many stories of people who were doing things that were hard to do. They did them for a long time, then finally they just gave up and stopped. Then they found out they were so close to the end, or so close to winning the prize, or so close to being saved from their danger—–if they had just held on a little more.

Do not give up. Sometimes we have to do hard things——-taking care of sick people, having patience with someone who is hard to live with, so many things we could tell—–but there will come a time when it is done/finished and you will be glad that you stayed with it until it was done.

Especially, our walk of faith in Jesus. Do not ever give up the walking in faith with Jesus.

Your eternal life depends on you being true and faithful until the end.

You must stay with Jesus to the end. Having eternal life is forever. You do not want to give up and miss eternal life in heaven.


Vs. 10 Paul says: When we have the opportunity to help others—–especially, those who are believers in Jesus let us help and do what we can.

Vs. 11 Paul is closing his letter: He says Do you see what large letters I have written? (I think Paul said this because he had trouble with his eyes. So he probably was making the writing large to see it.)

Paul speaks again about circumcision. He says that the men who are preaching this do this because they are afraid of other Jews being against them. They do not want those other Jews to make trouble for them.

Paul says that those men preach obeying the “law” but they do not keep the law themselves. But they are trying to get you to do it, so they can be proud that they talked you into doing it.

Vs. 14 Paul said: I want only to “glory” be proud of the cross of Jesus Christ.

I have been “crucified” or I have died to the pleasures of this world.

Vs. 15 When we are in Christ it does not matter if we are circumcised or not.

When we are in Christ we are made alive again in Spirit and we become a new person because of Jesus’ power in us.

Vs. 16 To those people who walk in the “rule” or “law” of Christ loving Him and loving others to those people may they have peace and mercy from God.

Vs. 17 Paul says: Do not let anyone give me trouble about circumcision. The “marks” (cuts) I have on my body are the “marks” of the Lord Jesus.

(Paul was circumcised because was born a Jewish male. However, since Paul had become a believer in Jesus he understood how the Old Testament laws were no more needed. Grace and forgiveness in Jesus was all we needed.

Paul did have “marks” and “cuts” on his body from teaching and preaching Jesus because he was beaten several times, put in prison, in a ship wreck, etc.

But what Paul meant by his “marks” on his body in Jesus was a spiritual mark of his changed life. Paul’s life was completely changed when he believed that Jesus was God’s Son.)


Vs. 18 Paul closes the letter: He tells them—May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Amen.