Book #11—-James Made Easy Introduction and Chp. 1



This New Testament book was written about 12 years after Jesus went back into heaven.

It is written by Jesus’ brother James.

Jesus’ brothers did not seem to believe that Jesus was “special” when Jesus was here on earth.

But some time after Jesus died on the cross rose again from the dead and was seen around town by many people and the disciples, Jesus’ brothers at least two of them

believed that Jesus was God’s son.

We do not know what Jesus’ other brothers or sisters thought about him. I would think that their Mother, Mary, would have told them how Jesus’ birth came to be—and the story of the shepherds, and angels, and wise men, etc.

One brother Jude believed in Jesus. He also wrote a book in the New Testament. His book is very short.

James became the leader of the church of believers — after Jesus went back into heaven.

Most of the disciples of Jesus went to other towns and countries preaching.

This book that James has written was a letter to the believers Christians to give them some teaching about how to live following Jesus’ teachings.

Chapter 1

Vs. 1

James introduces himself. He calls himself a “slave” of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He says this letter is to all Jewish Christians among the nations.

Think about what James has said in the first line. He calls himself a “slave” of the Lord Jesus Christ.

James grew up in the same house and family as Jesus. Jesus was his older brother.

They played together. They worked together. They ate at the same table, slept in the same room.

He knows this person “Jesus” very well. He thinks of him as a brother.

And for a long time that is all Jesus was to him——-a brother.

And now he says he is a willing “slave” to this “Jesus”. What a change!

James saw the miracles that Jesus did. He still did not believe that Jesus was God’s son. He thought of him as the same as he —– Joseph and Mary’s son.

But some time after Jesus died and came to life again—–James believed that this “brother” he had grown up with, was not just a regular person like his other brothers.

James probably remembered all those years at home and remembered how Jesus was different from him and his other brothers. Jesus did not sin.

He and his other brothers got angry and had fights. He and his other brothers were selfish at times. He and his other brothers did not always tell the truth. Sometimes they cheated at games. But Jesus was different.

Then he remembered all those miracles Jesus did. How Jesus died. He saw that he died. Then Jesus was alive again. Then Jesus went up in a cloud into heaven.

Finally, James believed.

Now, he thinks of this “brother” not as the son of Joseph but as the Son of God just like his mother Mary said.

Jesus is God’s son. Jesus is Lord God.

James now bows to God and to Jesus. He bows to Jesus as Lord God.

A slave is someone who is owned by another. A slave does not get to choose what he will do—-someone tells him what to do. A slave is there to serve another.

James calls himself a “slave” to show that he has willingly decided to serve Jesus as Lord.


Vs. 2 James begins by calling the believers “brothers and sisters”. because they now have the same Father—God.

He tells them that when trouble comes to you, let it be a time for God’s joy to be in you.

Trouble tests our faith in God. A “test” is not something to fear. A “test” cam show us what we know and what we do not know. A “test” can show us where we are weak and what we need to work on. Let that be a good thing.

James says that a time of testing is a time when your faith can grow stronger.

As your faith grows stronger, you will be better. You will be able to face other things in the future.


Vs. 5 If you need wisdom if you need to know what to do. If you need to know God’s way in this thing then ask God to show you. Ask God to help you make a wise choice and decision. God will show you.

James says: Keep an open mind to seeing or hearing in your spirit what God is saying and showing you. Do not have doubts and fears about it. But trust and believe that God will direct you.

People who can not seem to believe or they believe for a few hours and then they start doubting and then they believe again etc. This is not good. We need to make up our mind to believe and stay with it.

This is true for deciding to follow Jesus and his teachings, or if we are already a Christian we need to believe God loves us and will show us what to do.


VS. 9 Christians who are poor should not feel bad about that. They can be rich in faith. When you do not have money you have to trust God to help you. You have to practice having faith every day because you do not have the money to buy things, or pay for the Dr. etc.

So you have to use your faith to make it in this world. You become strong in faith. You become “rich” in faith. You have a close relationship with God. Because you depend on Him for all your needs. You pray to Him all the time. You thank Him for each and every thing and every answer to prayer.

Those who are rich and can buy or pay for what they need, do not need to ask God for help. Their money can take care of the need. They may have weak faith because they never need to use it.

That is not true of all rich people. Some rich people have learned faith because of other things. God has a way of bringing things into our life that makes us have to depend on Him. Money can not fix all problems. And rich people can have problems too, where they have to learn to have faith in God.

Riches will end. People who trust in their riches and do not trust in God will find that some day their riches are no help. Riches are sometimes lost. They are gone.

Riches can not buy heaven for you. If you trust in riches only and do not trust in God your riches will do you no good.


Vs. 12 God blesses people who are faithful through the “test”. In the end, they will receive a crown in heaven some day.

James is not just talking about little problems in life. But he is talking to Christians —- some who are being put in jail for believing in Jesus, some are beaten for believing in Jesus, some are being treated badly for believing in Jesus—–James is telling them to “hang on” to their faith and not give up.

If they stay true to believing in Jesus some day God will give them a crown in heaven.

Then they will be glad that they stayed true and kept the faith.

Vs. 13, 14 When all these troubles come we should not say that God is tempting us.

God does not tempt us.

Satan may tempt us. Our own human desires and flesh may be strong in us and Satan will use those desires to tempt us to sin — to use those desires in a sinful way.

Vs. 15 Following temptation to sin because of our desires leads to actions of sin and doing wrong. Sin in the end brings death. Because sin will take us to hell.

Vs. 16, 17 Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father in heaven. He is the same always, He never changes.

Vs. 18 In God’s goodness He allowed us to hear His Word and Truth. Because we have received it and believe it we are His “children”.

Vs. 19 Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

Anger does not do good or righteous things.

Look at your life. Stop doing all evil and sinful things, Put if far away from you.

Vs. 22 You must be a person who “does” the will of God, and not just “hears” it.

Hearing it or saying you believe it is not enough. You must do it.

Vs. 23 To hear it and not do it, is like looking in a mirror and seeing your face is dirty, but not doing anything to clean it.

Vs. 24 But if you keep reading God’s words and obey them God will bless your life.

Vs. 26 If you say you follow Jesus and are a Christian, but do not watch your words and do not control what you say you are just fooling yourself. Your “believing” is for nothing. Your words must show you are a follower of Jesus.

True religion and believing means that we care about others. That we show mercy and help to children who have no parents, to widows —women whose husbands have died.


In other words, to help to those in need.

James ends this chapter by saying Do not let the world destroy you. Do not let the things in this world make you sin, or make you turn away from your faith.