Book #12—-Philippians Chp. 4


Chp. 4

Vs. 1 I have great desire to see all of you my brothers. You are my joy and my crown. Stand fast, stand firm, stand true in the Lord.

Vs. 2. Paul speaks of 2 of the people in their group. He asks that they come to an agreement with each other.

Vs. 3 Paul asks the people to help some of the women who had been kind to Paul and had helped him when he was in Philippi.

Vs. 4 Paul says: Rejoice, in the Lord, again I say, Rejoice. In other words, be glad.

Be happy in the Lord. Be thankful in the Lord.

Vs. 5. Be moderate in all things. Moderate—means Middle of the road—-not too much—not too little. Paul tells them to be moderate in all things.

Think of all the things you do in life. Be moderate.

Vs. 6. “Be careful for nothing” the King James Version says. It means do not be worried and upset about anything. Bring your needs to the Lord in prayer. When you come to the Lord in prayer—-be sure to thank Him for all the good things He has already done and thank Him for what He will do.

Vs. 7. The peace of God which is more than we can understand this peace will keep your heart and mind.

Vs. 8 Paul tells them to think about these kinds of things. Thinking about these things will help you have peace in your mind:

Things that are true.

Things that are honest.

Things that are just. (right)

Things that are pure.

Things that are lovely.

Things that are of a good report. (report-news, account, the telling of what happened)

Things that have virtue (good in them)

Things that are worth praise.

Notice: This list does not say listen to gossip, watch or read bloody, murder, terrible kinds of movies and books, dirty sexual pictures, things that make one afraid and fear,


Be careful what you watch and what you let into your mind. What goes into your eyes and mind stay in your brain forever. You may not think about them for a long time, and then they “pop up” and surprise you. So be careful what goes in.

Be careful about your children and what they see and hear.

Vs. 9 Paul tells them to also think about those things that he taught them, and to think about the things they saw Paul do.

We need to think about scriptures, and what the Bible talks about. Think about Jesus and what He has done.

He prays that the God of peace will be with them

Vs. 10 Paul thanks them for the things they have done for him. He knows they would have done more if they had be closer to him.

Vs. 11 Paul says that he is not saying that he is in need of things because he has learned to be content (satisfied, happy) with what he has.

Vs. 12 Paul says he knows what it is to be “abased” put-down, humbled. (Remember he was beaten many times, and put in jail before in other places)

Paul says he knows how it is to be honored people praising him.

He says he knows how it is to be hungry, and to be full.

Vs. 13 Paul says I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Vs. 14 Paul says: You did a good thing to share with me in my situation now.

Vs. 15, 16 When I left your area no other church gave me money except your group.

Vs. 17 I am not saying this so you will send me more money but I want you to know that I am thankful for what you did.

Vs. 18 I have all that I need, even more than I need. You sent your gifts with Epaphroditus. Your gift was like a sweet smelling offering of incense.

Vs. 19 But— (Paul knows that some of them may have sacrificed to send money to him) But My God will supply (give, provide for) all your needs, according to (as to) God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Vs. 20 Now to God and our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Vs. 21 Greet all the believers there. The brothers in Christ that are with me here also send greetings to you.

Vs. 22 All the believers here send greetings those that are of Caesar’s household.

(Caesar was the king/emperor.) (Paul was held as a prisoner in one of the houses.)

Vs. 23 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.