Book 27—-Titus—-Chp. 1 Vs. 1-16


By Joyce Webb 2024

Introduction: Paul writes to a man named Titus.

Titus was a Christian believer. He traveled some with Paul.

Then at the Island of Crete, Paul asked him to stay there to help strengthen the churches there.

Titus was to choose leaders in the churches—who would be able to teach the other believers.

In this letter, Paul explains what is necessary for a man to be a leader or “elder”.

Chapter 1 Verses 1-16

Paul writes that this is a letter from him. Paul calls himself a “slave” of Christ’s, and an apostle.

(When Paul calls himself a “slave”—he means that he has given Christ the right to tell him what to do and where to go.
Paul has surrendered himself to God for God to command him—like a slave has to do what a master says.
Paul has —of his own will—surrendered to God as his master.

He said that he was chosen to bring faith to those whom God has chosen.

(This seems to say that God knows ahead of time who will believe and who will not believe.
And because of this knowledge, God chooses to reach out to those who will believe.)

Paul says he was called to teach them to know the truth—–that truth — will show them how to live a godly life.

Paul said—This truth—will give them confidence (feeling sure)
eternal life. This eternal life—God has promised them before the world began. And God can not lie.

Now–at the right time—God has shown the Good News—meaning the gospel —-that Jesus died for our sins and we can be forgiven of all our sins.

Paul said—We announce—preach this to everyone.

It is by the command of God—our Savior—that I have been trusted to do this work for God.

This letter is written to Titus, my true child in the faith.
(Meaning that Titus was like a son to Paul, because Titus became a believer because of Paul’s preaching.

May God the Father, and Christ Jesus our Savior, give you grace and peace.

Verse 5 I left you on the island of Crete so you could choose leaders in the churches of each town.

Verse 6 A elder–leader, must be well thought of because of the good way he lives and does.

He must be faithful to his wife.

His children must be believers—who are not wild or rebel.

An elder must live in a way that no one can blame him for wrong doing.

He is God’s minister—so he needs to live right.

He must not be proud, or get angry quickly, —-he must not be a heavy drinker. He must not be greedy for money.

He must enjoy having people in his home.
He must love all that is good.
He must live wisely and be fair.

He must be devoted to God and have self-discipline.
(control himself)

He must have a strong and sure belief in what he is teaching—-from the things he has learned.

Then he will be able to encourage others—-with right teaching—-and be able to show those who are wrong—what is the truth.

There are many people who will rebel against right teaching.

They give time to talking —that is not useful and they deceive people.

This is especially true about circumcision and those who say men have to be circumcised to be a believer.

(Remember—-the Jewish men were circumcised as babies because of God’s command to Abraham—back in the Old Testament.

After Jesus died and came to life again and then when up in the clouds into heaven—-the Jewish disciples and other Jewish men became the preachers to tell others about Jesus.

Some of the preachers that were preaching to Gentile men —who were not Jewish—-started saying —the Gentile men had to be circumcised to be believers.

Many of the disciples got together and talked about that. They said, NO. Gentile men (who were not circumcised) did not have to be circumcised to be a believer.

Forgiveness and salvation—-was by faith in Jesus Christ. They only had to ask for forgiveness. It was about a person’s heart and spirit—not about his body.)

But there were still some teachers that were still preaching that the men had to be circumcised.

Paul is warning Titus to watch for that—- and not allow that kind of teaching.

Paul said—Because of this wrong teaching, families have turned away from believing in Jesus.

Teachers who preach things that are not true are just wanting money—offerings.

Paul said—One of their own men, a prophet from Crete, said that
“The people of Crete are all liars. They are mean animals and lazy men who love to eat.”

Paul said, This is true.

So, tell these teachers that they are wrong. If they are to be strong in the faith, they need to accept the truth and preach it.

They must stop listening to myths (stories) and the talk of people who have turned their backs on the truth.

Everything is pure—to those who have a pure heart.

But nothing is pure—to those whose heart is evil— not believing.
Their minds are made dirty and twisted. (turned wrong)

Such people say they know God—-but the way they live—shows that they do not know God— or do not care to obey God.

They disobey and do not do anything good.