Bible Questions #4689-4699
By Joyce Webb
Acts Chapter 28 Verses 15-31
4689. Verse 15 Paul is getting near Rome. They stop at a place called The Three __________________ forum.
(A forum was a place where men came to talk about things. To listen to men tell their ideas. Paul probably stood and talked to the men about Jesus.)
4690. Verse 16 When they got to Rome—the other prisoners went with the captain of the guard—to jail.
But Paul was allowed to do what? ________________________
4691. Verse 17 After 3 days, what did Paul do? _______________
He told them that he had done nothing against the Jewish people or against the customs (beliefs) of the Jewish people. Yet—he was taken as a ________________________ from _____________________________ into the hands of the ___________________________.
4692. Verse 18 Paul said, When they had questioned him, they would have let him go, because ____________________________
4693. Verse 19 But then the Jewish leaders there did not want him to go free. So, he had to ask to go before the Roman “king” emperor C____________________.
4694. Verse 20 Paul said: This is the reason I called you all to come hear me. I wanted to speak to you. “For the hope of ____________________ I am bound with this chain.”
(The “hope” of Israel—-is Jesus. He is the “hope” for all the world. If we did not have Jesus—-we would all pay our own punishment for our sin—meaning die in hell forever.
Jesus is our “hope” because in Him —we have the “hope” of eternal life.
This kind of “hope” does not mean the way we use this word in modern English. Today, we use the word “hope” to mean it may happen, it may not—-but we “hope” it happens.
Paul uses this word “hope” meaning—-something that has not happened yet—-but we are looking forward to it happening in the future. It is a sure thing—it just has not happened yet.)
4695. Verse 21 Did the men listening to Paul accept what he said?
They said they had not received any letters about Paul. And that no one had come to tell them about Paul.
4696. Verse 22 The men said that they wanted to hear what Paul had to say about this new way of believing. They said: We know that everywhere people speak (for, or against) it. ??
4697. Verse 23 They decided on a day to meet together to listen.
Did many people come? ____________
Paul told them of the k_______________ of G__________. He told them of Jesus, telling them how His coming was told about in the Old Testament. And how the prophets told of Jesus’ coming.
He talked from m_________________ to e________________.
4698. Verse 24 Did the people believe what Paul preached?
Verse 25 -27 Paul told them some verses from the Old Testament book of Isaiah.
“Go to this people and say, You will hear, but you will not understand. You will see, but you will not understand.
Because the heart of this people is hard. Their ears will not hear. They have closed their eyes so they cannot see.
They do not want to see, or hear, or understand. They do not want to be changed. They do not want Me to heal them (meaning their hearts-spirit-understanding.)
Verse 28 Paul said, Know this—salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles (non-Jews). They will hear it.
4699. Verse 29 After Paul said this—the men left. They began talking about it among themselves.
Verse 30 Paul lived in this separate house— (he had guards watching him) — how long did Paul live there? _______________
He preached about the kingdom of God. He taught about Jesus.
No one stopped him from preaching.