Bible Questions #4200-4211 Acts Chp. 11 Vs. 1-30

Bible Questions #4200-4211

By Joyce Webb

Acts Chapter 11 Vs. 1-30

4200. Verse 1-3 When Peter finished at Cornelius’ house—-he went back to Jerusalem to meet with the believers there. Those who were circumcised—meaning the Jewish men—how did they feel about what Peter had done? __________________________________________________________

4201. So Peter told them what happened—-that made him go there.
How many men came to the house to invite Peter to come with them? _________
Verse 12 How many men went with him to Cornelius‘ house? _________

4202. Vs. 15-17 Peter told the believers in Jerusalem—- that the Holy Spirit came upon those people—the Gentiles—- in the same way —-as the Holy Spirit had come on the believers in the upper room. So Peter said –How was I to stand against what God decided to do?

Vs. 18 Then the people in the meeting—did not say anything more against it.
They said that God has also given the G_____________
repentance and life.

4203. Vs. 19 After S______________ had died, believers were being persecuted (hurt, put in prison, etc).
So many of them left Jerusalem and went to other cities.

In these other cities, they began to preach and teach and tell others about Jesus. But they only talked with J__________.

4204. Vs. 20 Some of them went to the city of A_____________ and talked with some Greek people (non-Jews).

4205. Vs. 21 How did talking with the Greeks go? Did the Greeks accept what they said? __________________________

4206. Vs. 22 The believers in Jerusalem heard about what was happening in Antioch. So they sent a man named ______________________ to preach to them.

4207. Vs. 23 Was this man received in a good way?

4208. Vs. 25-26 Then Barnabas went to the town of _________________ to get _____________. He brought him to Antioch. They stayed there in that town for how long? ____________________

4209. Vs. 26 It was here at Antioch that believers in Jesus—followers of the teachings of Christ—-began to be called ?

4210. Vs. 27-30 A man who was a prophet, came from Jerusalem and said that there would be a great f ____________________ that would be in the whole world—–meaning the known world of the Roman Empire.

(this happened in the days of the Roman ruler Claudius Caesar)

4211. Then the believers decided to send money to those believers in Judea. They sent the money with which two men?
________________________ and ___________________