Book 23—-Luke Chp. 17 Vs. 1-4


By Joyce Webb 2021

Chapter 17 Verses 1-4

Verse 1 Jesus said to the disciples—There will be offences that will come.

The King James Version uses the word “offences“.

Today—we would use that word “offences” to mean —things said, or things done—that hurt you, or hurt your feelings. Words that insult you. (offences)

When we read other versions of the Bible—that word is translated—written—as “temptation” to sin.

Jesus is saying that temptation will come. Woe—bad things–punishment—will come to the person who tempts others to sin.


If there is someone who has a business or a website—that sells things, or shows things—that would put a temptation to someone to sin—-God will hold that person responsible for causing a person to sin. They will be guilty for the sin, too.

If a person encourages another person to do wrong and sin. They will be guilty, too.


Verse 2 Jesus said, It would be better for that person—if a big heavy stone were put on their neck and they were drowned—if they encouraged —or tempted a child to sin.

In this case, Jesus was talking about children.

But the thought —was about all people.


Verse 3 Jesus said, Be careful, if someone sins against you—tell him about it. If he is sorry, and asks for forgiveness and repents (changes his ways)—then forgive him.

Verse 4 If he sins against you again and again ( 7 times)—in a day—and he says, “I repent”—forgive him.


This verse has been a “problem” for many years.

There have been people who have “hurt” us —cheated us—-been unfaithful to us—-etc.

They say, “I’m sorry.”. Then they do it again.


So, what do we do? Does a woman keep forgiving a husband who keeps being unfaithful to her?

Does a person keep doing business with a person who keeps cheating them?


This is my thought—my opinion.

Forgiveness is one thing. Continued trust is another.

To be unforgiving–not forgiving is wrong. Because—we also sin against God over and over. We come to God again and again —often for the same sin—and ask for forgiveness—and we want to be forgiven. God forgives us.

If we want to be forgiven—Jesus said that we have to forgive others.

Not to forgive them—means God will not forgive us.

Not to forgive them—means we keep a hardness in our hearts against that person and it will make us hard and bitter.


To trust someone again—requires them to have changed. Repent does mean to change and go the other way.

You can not trust someone who keeps cheating you.

You can forgive someone who cheated you—and not hold a hardness against them—but you may want to wait to see if they have changed before you do business with them again.

For a wife to forgive her husband for being unfaithful—-is a more difficult matter.

If she does not forgive him—the home will be broken. There may be children —and their lives will be upset.

To forgive someone the first time— is one thing.

If a person keeps being unfaithful—and it is their life style to be unfaithful—that brings up other problems.

My opinion—is—that—–it is up to the woman —

(or man if he is the one sinned against)—to say to their mate—

I need to see that you have repented—I need to see that you have changed and are truly sorry.

When you show me that you have changed—and have truly repented—then we can continue this relationship. Until then,

this relationship is on hold. Or, over—if the person feels that they can not trust the other person.

Unfaithfulness in marriage is so hurtful— each couple needs to decide what they can or can not do–or are willing to accept.

What they are willing to accept—depends on many things.

It may depend on needing money to live—needing money to keep the children.

Long ago, once married—you stayed married—you did not divorce. Through the middle ages, through the 1700’s, through the 1800’s—women just put up with a man who had a mistress on the side.

In some countries today, that is the way it is even today.

In the USA, in modern times, divorce comes easy. That does not mean that it is the best way to fix the problem.

Again, each couple needs to decide for themselves. Going to a good person to talk things over and get help would be a good thing.

There are other reasons a couple may think about divorce—such as abuse, one who gambles away all the money and brings debt, one who drinks and uses all the money and causes problems in the home,  and other reasons.

Again, they need help and should try to talk to a trusted person—to try to fix the problem.

I would advise doing all I could –before choosing divorce.

You still have to forgive them.
