Bible Questions #4003-4015 John 21 Vs. 1-25

Bible Questions #4003-4015

By Joyce Webb\

St. John 21 Verse 1-25

4003. Jesus is at the Sea of Tiberias. Seven of the disciples are there. Verse 2- Who says they are going to go fishing? _________________________________________________

The other men decide to go with him.

4004. They are fishing at night. Did they catch anything? _______

4005. It is now morning. Jesus is on the shore. Jesus calls to them and asks them if they caught anything. They say No. What does Jesus tell them to do? ___________________________________


4006. They do what he said. What happened? _______________


4007. Vs. 7 The disciple Jesus loved—Do you remember who this is ? __________________

What does he say? ____________________________________

(It seems that the men are out in the water, too far away to see who the person is, they heard him, but could not see who it was. But because of what happened with the fish—-they know who that person is.)

4008. Which disciple jump into the water to swim to shore?


4009. Vs. 9 Jesus was ready for them—he made a fire and had _________ and _______________ ready for them to eat.


4010. When they pulled up the net, how many fish were in it?


4011. It was surprising, but the net had not _________________.

4012. Vs. 14 This was the ______________ time (how many) that Jesus had shown himself to the disciples since he had come alive from the dead.

4013. Jesus asked Peter a question. What did he ask him?


4014. Vs. 16, 17 What does Jesus ask him–two more times?


What does Jesus tell Peter he is to do? ____________________


(Bible teachers have thought that the reason Jesus asked Peter 3 times if Peter loved him—-was because Peter did deny or said that he did not know Jesus 3 times.)

4015. Vs. 21 Peter looked at the disciple Jesus loved (John) and asked what would happen to him in the future. Jesus told him—if he lives until I come again, what does that matter to you?

So, the talk that went around was that John would live until Jesus came back again. Jesus did not say that. He was saying that whatever happened to John was not Peter’s business to know.

Vs.25 John said, If everything that Jesus did was written down,

The _______________ could not hold that many books.