Lesson #79—-Not All “Good” People Go to Heaven

Not All “Good” People go to Heaven

By Joyce Webb 2017

You hear talk on the TV about persons who died and then it is said, “They are in a better place.” and many say, “They are in heaven.”

Really, —-is that true?

Does everyone who dies—–and is a “good” person—–go to God’s heaven?

It is—God’s—-heaven. He has rules for going there.

There are many religions that speak of a “paradise” or a “heaven” in the life after death.

God’s heaven,—Jesus’ heaven—- is a special place where God and Jesus are.

If a person wants to go that “heaven”, he will need to follow what Jesus says to get there.

According to the Holy Bible,—–there is only one heaven—–and it is God’s heaven.

Not everyone who dies——goes to heaven.

Think about this: ——-Let’s say——-there is a rich man in your town——– who has a beautiful house and yard and gardens. He often invites many people to his house for parties.

You do not know this man. You have never talked to this man. You do not want to talk to this man. You have no interest in being friends with this man.

You go your own way. You never speak to this man or have anything to do with him.

Do you think—–you will ever be invited to one of his parties?

That is how some people think about going to heaven.

They have no interest in God. —— They never talk to God.——-They never learn what God has said to them in the Bible.

They have no interest in anything God’s says.——They go their own way, and have no thought about God.

Why would they think —– they would go to God’s heaven?

Why would they want to?

If they never talked to God,——or cared about him——why would they want to be with him?

Because—-in their mind—-they have believed—–that there is a beautiful place —people go—after they die.

They believe there is “life” after death on earth.

The also—–think——that if a person—–has not murdered anyone—–or has not been a thief——or at least not stolen very much——-that person will go to heaven.——–They think they have been “good”.

Many “good” people——have nothing to do with God.——-They do not think they need God.

They are not interested in learning——what God says they should do.

They do not want——God—telling them what to do.

But they seem to think——that when they die—–they will walk right into God’s heaven——and stay there.

There is something else that needs to be said.

Are there any “good” people?

The Bible says, “ All have sinned —and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

The Bible says, “But we are all as an unclean thing—-all of our righteousness —- ( our “goodness”) —-is as filthy (dirty) rags. Isaiah 64:6

“There—- is none —–that doeth good,——-no not one.“ Psalms 14: 3 and Psalms 53: 3

The Bible also says——-that if a person does not believe that Jesus is God’s son,——-that person will not have eternal life. I John 5:12

“He that has the Son, has life,——he that has not the Son,——has not life.”.

It also says——that the—– “unbelieving” will not go to heaven. Revelation 21:8

These people who think everyone goes to heaven ——–have not read the Bible.

They may have heard a few things——from the Bible.

But——their knowledge—–and understanding——-is very small—–and twisted.

Their small understanding —-lets them make a big mistake.

They do not know ——what God requires——for getting into God’s heaven.

They think they are right——-but they are very wrong—–according to what the Bible says.

The Bible tells God’s rules for getting into his heaven. It is very clear about the rules.

They are not hard to understand.

You have to give up your own way——-and accept God’s way.

You have to be humble——-and confess your wrongs——-and ask for forgiveness.

You have to see your self——as a person who has sinned ——–and done wrong.

You have to understand that——you can not clean up—your own sin.

You have to understand —–that in God’s heaven —- no sin can be there.

Because you have sinned——-and done wrong —you have to ask Him——–for forgiveness.

If you are willing——to do that——the rest is easy.

The Bible says to——confess your sins—–believe in your heart—–that Jesus died for your sins —-and that if you ask for forgiveness —–he will forgive you.

He will forgive murder. He will forgive all sin.

You have to believe ——–confess——-and——ask.

When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden,——-he was told before he sinned——-that if he did not obey——-if he went against what God said then he (Adam) would die.

Adam went against what God said. He disobeyed. He sinned.

And now “death” was his punishment.

Adam——would die in his body——-and his relationship with God was broken and now his spirit would die, also.

Adam could do nothing to fix or change it.

Because of God’s great love——-and mercy,——-He told Adam——that someday he would send someone to die for him——-and take his punishment of death for him.

That person——-was Jesus——who came——-and died on a cross——-to pay the “death” punishment——for every person——-who ever lived.

We only need to believe—— that Jesus did this,——and confess to God that we have sinned and done wrong ——-and ask for forgiveness.

The Bible says——that if we do this——-God’s will forgive us——and the “death punishment” will no more——-there will be no death punishment over us.

Our sins will be washed away. We will not need to worry about our spirit dying forever.

That means——no death in hell. We will be allowed to stay in heaven and live forever.


What keeps people from——asking God for forgiveness? Pride.

Not wanting to surrender—— to another person’s will.

They do not want ——- anyone telling them what to do.

These same people—— think that when they die——– they can walk right into God’s heaven and stay there.

Everyone can walk into God’s heaven and stay there——- if ——- they are willing——-to do what God said for them to do.

You can not——-go your own way——-do what you want to do——– have no thought of God ——or——-do not obey God’s rules——-and still think you can get into God’s heaven.

Will you be going to heaven when you die?

That is up to you. You have to choose——-while you are still alive on this earth.

Believe confess ask. Those are God’s rules. Then stay with Jesus all your life until you die. Walk in ways that please Him.