Book #2—-Revelation Chp. 6 (a passage revised 2019)

Chapter 6

Verses 1-17     Read the Bible verses.

The Lamb broke open one of the seals.

There was a white horse. The rider carries a bow (like a bow and arrow). It shows the rider is ready for battle. The rider has a crown for victory.

We are not told who the rider is.     Some who study the Bible think this is the anti-christ.

He goes forth conquering  (winning over groups of people).


The Second seal—a red horse.

This rider also represents war. This rider takes peace from the earth.

It causes people to kill each other.


The Third seal—a black horse.

Black is often a symbol of suffering and hunger. The rider has some scales in his hand for weighing things. Food will be hard to get and it will be expensive.


The Fourth seal–a pale (greenish-gray) horse.

This horse stands for death. Hades is a Greek word that stands for where the dead stay. In the New Testament when Hades is used, it means a place of punishment–hell.


The Fifth seal–Under the altar of the heavenly temple there were souls of people who had been killed because they were believers.

They were under the altar to represent the blood that the Old Testament priests poured under the altar when they made a sacrifice.

These believers gave their blood for believing in Jesus.

The word “avenge” means someone will bring judgment on those who killed these believers.

They are told to rest for awhile. The time for judgment has not yet come.


The Sixth seal–The wrath (anger and judgment) of the Lamb (Jesus)

There is a great earthquake. The sun became black. The moon became red like blood. The stars fell to the earth. The sky ripped apart. Every mountain and island moved from its place.

The kings of the earth and other leaders, workers and slaves, rich and poor were afraid and hid in caves.

The tried to hide from the wrath (anger and judgment) of God.

The great day of wrath had come.