Book #1—-Matthew Chp. 10

Chapter 10

Verses 1-4 Read the Bible verses

This is a list of the 12 disciples. A disciple is a person who learns from another.

Jesus gave the 12 disciples power to cast out evil spirits and to heal.

Chapter 10 verses 5-15 Read the Bible verses

Jesus told them to go and to preach only to the Jews—the people of Israel. Later they would go to the Gentiles (not Jews).

Jesus told them not to carry “extra” coat, sandals, or money. They were to let the people they preached to feed them and give them a place to sleep. Jesus said the ones who work have a right to be taken care of.

We need to understand that for today, too. If a man gives his life to preach and help people learn about God, he has a right to be taken care of. He should be given enough money in offerings to be able to live on it and take care of his family. Many preachers do not get enough money in offerings to live. Then they feel that they have to go get a job. Church then has second place in his time. That is not the way Jesus said it should be.

Sometimes people do not know how churches are run. Preachers are not paid by the government. If they do not get money in offerings to pay them a salary and to pay the bills of the church –who is going to pay?

If there is not enough money to pay the bills and to pay the preacher’s salary, there will not be a church there. It will have to close.

These disciples were the first missionaries. They were to go with faith that their needs would be met. The people that they preached to were to be the ones to support them.




Chapter 10 verses 16-42 Read the Bible verses

Jesus told them that some hard things would happen to them when they went out. He told them to watch. Be watchful like a snake, but be gentle like a dove.

He said that if they were stopped and taken to jail for preaching, or taken before the city leaders, that they were not to worry. God would show them what to say.

Verse 21

Jesus told them that people in a family will make trouble for other people in their own family.

He said if you have trouble in a town and they do not want to hear what you say—then move on to another town.

Verse 24

Jesus told the disciples that as followers of Jesus they will have people talk against them. If Jesus was called “Prince of Demons”, they would call the disciples names and speak against them, too.

Much of what is said in these verses would be true in the future. After Jesus left and went back to heaven, the disciples would go to many towns preaching. Then they would understand these things that Jesus said.

Jesus said in a future time–everything that is done now in secret will be shown.

Verse 28

Don’t be afraid of people who want to kill you. Your body may die, but your spirit will go to heaven.

Your heavenly father knows when a sparrow (bird) falls. You are more important than many sparrows.

God knows how many hairs are on your head!

Jesus is trying to tell us that God knows everything about us. He is watching and He cares.

If we say we don’t know Jesus, or say that we are not a Christian—-while we are here on earth—then when we get to heaven—Jesus will say He does not know us.

We may have a time in the future where Christians will suffer because others do not like Christians. If we say we are not Christians so we can get out of suffering or not be killed, then Jesus says that when we die, He will say he does not know us.

Verse 34

Jesus said, “Don’t think I came to bring peace on earth, I came to bring a sword.”

He said, “I will set families against each other.” “If you choose your family before you choose Me, you are not worthy to be my child.”

Jesus knew that many people would not believe that he was God. He knew that they would be against people who did believe. Jesus knew that this would make people divided. Some would be on one side and some on the other. Even in families people some would believe and some would not.

The people who did not believe would make life hard for those who followed Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus tells them not to let the trouble make them stop believing. You have to keep believing if you want Jesus to receive you in heaven.

Jesus said, “Don’t give up. Keep being strong through the trouble–even if they kill you.”

Take your cross (trouble) and follow Jesus.

Jesus said, “If you make saving this life more important than choosing Me, you will lose eternal life.”

“If you give up your life for Me, you will find eternal life.”

Verse 40

Jesus said, “Anyone who receives you as my follower, also receives Me.”

“If you receive a prophet as from God, then God will reward you like a prophet.”