Joyce Webb 2018
Chapter 10
Vs. 1-8 The Old Testament laws of Moses were like a shadow of the real things that would be in Jesus Christ.
(They were like a picture. The death of a lamb for the person’s sin. The lamb died for the person, and the person did not have to die for his sins. Remember in the Garden of Eden God told Adam he would die if he disobeyed and ate from the tree.
The sin was disobeying. Now days we have the idea “that the punishment should fit the crime“. The truth is the crime is disobeying the law.
In God’s view of things disobeying is the sin. It is not so much how bad the sin but that fact that you disobeyed whatever you did.
That is why God can forgive what we call “small sins” and the sin of murder equally.
The sin is not “murder” or “small sin” the sin is disobeying God.)
These sacrifices of animals happened year after year. They were not a perfect sacrifice.
A perfect sacrifice was a man’s death for a man’s sin.
God sent his Son to die to take the place in man’s death. God’s Son had not ever sinned. He was a perfect sacrifice.
The death of animals would never be good enough to be a substitute for man. But a perfect man dying for a man would be.
Vs. 9 Christ said, “I have come to do Your Will (meaning The Father’s will) “
Once Jesus died on the cross a perfect sacrifice there was no more need for more sacrifices to be made. As Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished.”
Jesus died once and for all time. The Old Testament need of animal sacrifices was no longer needed.
There is no need for us to punish ourselves as some religions teach.
Vs. 11 Under the old law (covenant) the priest offered sacrifices over and over. But our High Pries Jesus offered himself to God as one sacrifice for the sin of man for all time.
Then Jesus sat down at God’s right hand. There Jesus waits until his enemies are made humble and are in a way of speaking put “under his feet”.
By that one offering Jesus made perfect and holy all those who believe and trust in him.
Vs. 16-18 Verses from the Old Testament:
“This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts so they will understand them,
And I will write them on their minds so they will obey them.”
(Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 11:9, Ezekiel 36:26. 27)
“I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.”
(Jeremiah 31:34)
Vs. 18 When sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.
Vs. 19 We can come boldly with confidence into heaven’s Most Holy Place (that special room where the High Priest went once a year) we can come into that place because we have the blood of Jesus on us. Jesus, the High Priest has brought his blood before the Father.
The High Priest brought the blood of an animal into the Holy Place., Jesus our High Priest has brought his own blood before the Father. We can come into the Holy Place ourselves because we bring the blood of Jesus on us.
(When Jesus died, the curtain (veil) in the Jewish temple that separated the Holy Place from the other room —this curtain ripped —was torn from top to bottom. No one touched it. It just tore by itself. God in heaven made it tear when Jesus died.
Because the veil/curtain was torn it opened so that people could see into the room. They could walk right in. Matthew 27:51
This was amazing.
This was a sign from God. No longer did people need a priest to offer a sacrifice for them. Jesus’ death the giving of his blood in death opened up the Holy Place so that all people can just walk right in if they have the blood of Jesus covering their sins.
Vs. 20 This is the new way of coming into God’s presence. Jesus’ death made it possible.
Vs. 21 Jesus is our High Priest. Because his blood covers our sin, we can come into the presence of God the Father knowing we will be accepted.
Vs.23 Let us stand firm in this belief and hope. God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Vs.24 Encourage others by doing kind things and showing love.
Vs.25 Do not stay away from meeting together. We need to meet together to encourage one another, and to warn each other to stay true. We need this even more as we get closer to Jesus’ coming back again.
Vs. 26 If we keep doing sin after we have come to know Jesus’ forgiveness, than what more can be done for us? There is no other sacrifice that will cover our sins.
There is nothing more to look forward to except God’s judgment for sin.
In the Old Testament anyone who refused to obey Moses’ laws was put to death if 2 or 3 people were witnesses.
Think of how much worse it will be for those who have “walked on the Son of God and had no respect for his blood as though it was nothing.
(Think of what Jesus suffered and went through in dying on a cross. The pain, the embarrassment, being accused of sin when he had done nothing, and taking all the terrible sins people have done upon himself.)
For a person to just throw that aside in order to return to doing sin again— how awful.
It is like someone gives you a very expensive gift and they have given it with great love and you just throw it away as they watch.)
Vs. 30 Deuteronomy 32:35 God said: “I will take vengeance,
I will repay those who deserve it.”
Deuteronomy 32:36 “The Lord will judge his people.”
Vs. 31 “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Matthew 10:28
Vs. 32 Do not forget those early days when you first learned about Christ. You stayed faithful even through suffering.
Sometimes people made fun of you. They said bad things about you. You were beaten. You helped others who were suffering the same things.
You suffered along with those who were put in jail. When you lost things that belonged to you—-you suffered it with joy from the Lord. Because you knew you had better things waiting for you in heaven.
Vs. 35 Do not give up this confidence you have in the Lord. No matter what happens to you, stay true to Jesus.
Remember the great reward you will have some day. Be patient. Be willing to endure. Continue in God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.
Vs. 36 For in just a little while the coming of Jesus will happen.
A righteous person will live by faith. Habakkuk 2:3
If any man draws back or goes back my soul shall have no pleasure in him
Ezekiel 18:26 Ezekiel 33:13
Vs. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto sin, but we are of them who believe to the saving of the soul.
Deuteronomy 31:17-18 Micah 3:4 Isaiah 59:2
The writer of Hebrews when he talks about going back into sin
Is talking about living in sin—-living and doing sin as a way of life—as one did before they were forgiven.
As humans we all are weak and make mistakes and sin. It is not that we have it in our hearts to sin, but in our weakness we do a sin.
If we are true in our love for God we will ask forgiveness as soon as we understand that we sinned and we will say, “I do not want to sin again.”
The writer of Hebrews seems to be talking about those who have come to know that what they were doing was a sin and they came to Jesus for forgiveness. They said they wanted to follow Christ and live right. But then later they gave up following Christ and went back to their old way of living in sin.