Easy Bible Questions #125

Can You Answer These Questions? 50118


1. Luke Chp 24 On the ____________________ day of the week, very early in the morning, some women came to the place where Jesus was buried.

2. The stone that had been in front of the door of the tomb was now ____________________ away .

3. When the women went into the tomb, did they find Jesus’ body? __________

4. Vs. 4 What did they see? ______________________________________________

5. Vs . 6 What did they say to the women? _________________________________________________

6. Vs. 12 The women went to tell Peter. Peter came to the tomb. He went into the tomb room. What did he see? ________________________________________________________________________

















1. First        2. Rolled       3. No        4. 2 men in shining clothes      5 He is not here

6. The linen cloth that had been around Jesus; body