Bible Questions #2627-2638 Mark Chp. 11 Vs. 1-26

Bible Questions # 2627-2638

Mark 11: 1-26

2627. These verses tell what happened on what we call “Palm Sunday”.

Vs. 1-2 Jesus told 2 of his disciples to go into the village (town) and they would find a

________________. This animal had never been __________________ by anyone.

2628. What do you know about a horse that had never been ridden by a man? Do you think a man will be able to just hop up on him and expect to ride? Why?


2629. What did the people put on the ground in front of the animal?


(It was like today we would roll out a red carpet for an important person to walk on.)

2630. Did Jesus have trouble riding the animal? __________ Why do you think that was? ________________________________________________________________

2631. Vs,9 What did the people shout as Jesus rode? _______________________


2632. Vs. 13, 14 Jesus stopped at a fig tree. But it only had ___________________ and no ________________________. Jesus said that the tree would not live and made it die.

2633. When Jesus came into the temple. In the halls around the temple, there were men doing what? _____________________________________________________

2634. Were these men being honest with people? _________________________


2635. What did Jesus do ? _____________________________________________


2636. Jesus said his house should be a ___________________ of ___________________

2637. Vs. 20-24 When they passed the fig tree, they found that the tree had already

____________________. The disciples were surprised. Jesus told them that whatever they desired (wanted) they should pray and believe and they would have it. Jesus said if you say to this _______________________ be moved over there, it would be moved. If a person believed and did not doubt in his heart.

2638. Vs. 25-26 Jesus said If you ask God the father to forgive you of your sins and wrong doing but you do not ________________________ others who did wrong to you, then God will not _______________________ you.