Bible Questions #3160-3175 Luke 16 vs. 13-31

Bible Questions #3160-3175

Luke 16     Vs. 13-31

3160. Vs. 13 Jesus told them, “No man can serve two __________________. Either he will ____________ one and ______________ the other.

3161. A person can not serve ___________ and _______________________. (mammon means money or riches)

3162. Vs 14-15 Which group of Jewish leaders were often guilty of seeking riches? __________________. Jesus told them “ You try to justify yourself and tell your self that what you are doing is okay, but God knows your _________________.”

3163. Vs. 16 Jesus said, “ The ___________ and the ___________________________ were (what you followed) but now the _____________________ of _______________ is preached.”

3164. “It is easier for ____________ and _____________ to ____________________ than for one ______________ (tiny word of the law ) to fail.

3165. Jesus spoke about marriage. He said, “ Who ever ________________________ his wife, and ___________________ another commits (does) __________________________. And who ever marries this woman commits _____________________.

3166. Vs. 19 There was a rich man who wore clothes of _______________________ color. (This color was made using a special kind of seashells. It was very expensive, so only the rich could afford it.) This man ate very well every day.

3167. A beggar man, named ___________________ sat at the gates of the rich man’s house (hoping for left over food).

3168. Dogs would come and lick the beggar’s __________________.

3169. The beggar man died and went up to heaven in an area called ___________________________________________.

3170. The rich man died and went to _________________.

3171. The rich lifted up his eyes and he saw the beggar man. He wanted the beggar man to give him a ______________ of ______________________ to cool his _____________________.

3172. Abraham told him, in life you received ______________________ and the beggar received _____________________________, and now you are

________________________ and the beggar is ________________________________.

3173. There is a great _____________________ (separation)

Between us we can not ___________________ over to you and you can not ____________________ over to us.

3174. Then what did the rich man want Abraham to do?



3175. What did Abraham tell him? ___________________________________________

