Can You Answer These Questions?
1. Who told Joseph not to break his relationship with Mary because she was expecting Jesus? _____________________________ Matthew 1:19-20
2. Jesus told his disciples to be as “wise as _______________________________ and as harmless as _____________________________” Matthew 10:5, 16
3. The shortest verse in the Bible is: “Jesus ____________________________.”John 11:35
4. How many times was Jesus tempted in the wilderness? __________________Matthew 4: 1-11
5. What were the names of Rebekah and Isaac’s twin sons? ______________________and __________________________ Genesis 25:21-26
6. Who spoke to the wind and rain and made them stop? ____________________Luke 3:24-25
7. Which disciple of Jesus walked on the water? _____________________Matthew 14:29
8. Jesus told Peter to pay the tax. Where was Peter to get the money for the tax?
_________________________________________________________________Matthew 17:24-27
9. Where did Mary, Joseph have to stay the night baby Jesus was born? _______________________ And why did they have to stay there? ______________________________________________________________________Luke 2: 5-7
Jacob stable in the mouth of a fish an angel of the Lord three Esau dove
Peter there was no room in the inn Jesus wept (cried) serpent (snake)