Can You Answer These Questions?
Who did it?
1. Who was born first? Cain or Abel? ______________________
Genesis 4: 1, 2
2. Who was the keeper of sheep? Cain or Abel? _______________________
Genesis 4:2
3. Who brought a sheep for his offering to God? Cain or Abel __________________
Genesis 4: 4
4. Who brought “the fruit of the ground” (vegetables) as his offering to God?
Cain or Abel? ______________ Genesis 4:3
5 . God was not pleased with ________________’s offering Cain’s or Abel’s? _________________ Genesis 4: 4, 5
6. Who became angry because God did not accept his offering? Cain or Abel _______________ Genesis 4:5
7.Zacchaeus could not see Jesus in the crowd of people. What did he do so he could see Jesus? __________________________________________________ Luke19:4
8.What was the name of the mountain on which God gave the 10 Commandments?
____________________________ Exodus 19:11
Cain Abel Abel Cain Cain’s Cain he climbed up in a tree
Mt. Sinai