Can You Answer These Questions?
1.Genesis 16:3 Sarah gave her maid, ________________ to be as a “wife” to Abraham.
2. Genesis 16:4, 5 When her maid got pregnant —-then the maid _____________________ Sarah.
3. Genesis 16: 6, 7 Sarah was hard on her maid and so the maid ran away to the _______________________________.
4. Genesis 16:7,9 The ____________________ of the Lord found the maid. Vs. 9
What did he tell her to do? ____________________________________________
5. Genesis 16:10 What did the angel of the Lord promise to Hagar ? That her
“seed” (child) would become a ________________________ of people.
6. Genesis 16:11 What was she to name the child? __________________
7. Genesis 16:12 He will be a ______________ man. His hand will be
_______________________ every man, and every man’s hand will be
________________________ him.
8. Genesis 16:13 She called the name of the Lord ___________ ____________
_____________ _____________
1. Hagar 2. Despised/hated 3. Wilderness/desert 4. Angel Go back home
5. Multitude/large group 6. Ishmael 7. Against, against 8. Thou God sees me