Easy Biblle Questions #126

Can You Answer These Questions?

Luke 24 vs. 34-43

1. They disciples were together. They said, The Lord has risen, because he showed himself to ___________________(Peter).

2. Vs. 36 As they were talking, _________________ appearing and stood in the middle of the group.

3. Vs. 37 At first, the men were very afraid. They thought they were seeing a


4. Vs. 39 But Jesus told them, Look and my ______________ and my ________________.

5. Jesus said __________________ me and see. A spirit/ghost does not have

_________________ and _____________________.

6. Vs. 42 43 Jesus took a piece of _______________ and ________________ and ate it for them to see.


















1. Simon              2. Jesus             3. Ghost/spirit               4. Hands feet              5.Touch             flesh   bones

6.       fish             honeycomb