Easy Bible Questions #127

Can You Answer These Questions?

John Chp. 2 Vs. 1-11

1. Jesus and his disciples went to a __________________________ at a town called


2. Vs.3 The people having the party had no more _________________. (They had used it all.)

3. Vs. 6, 7 There were how many water pots? __________ Jesus told them to fill the water pots with _______________________.

4. Vs. 9, 10 When they took a cup full of “water” from the water pots, the water had become _____________________.

The man said this wine was better than they had at the first.

5. This was the beginning or the first of ____________________ that Jesus did.























1.wedding   Cana    2. Wine      3. 6 water     4. Wine     5. miracles