Sermon (Jesus preaching)
on the Mountain
Called the “Beatitudes” “Blessings”
Matthew Chapter 5:1-12
Beatitude 1-3
All of Jesus’ disciples were with him on the mountain side.
Jesus began to teach them:
#1 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Poor in spirit”—a person who understands that he needs help.
A person who does not think he knows everything— and does not want advice from others.
A person who understands that he needs to learn wisdom from other people.
A person who is not full of himself –a “know-it-all”—” I don’t want anyone telling me what to do.”
A person who understands that there are many things he does not know and that he can learn from others.
A person who is humble and not proud.
This is the kind of person who can learn Christ’s teachings.
This is the kind of person who is willing to allow someone to correct him, and show him the right way —to think or do something.
This is the kind of person who will believe what Jesus is telling them about Himself—and about heaven.
This is the kind of person who will go to heaven.
#2 Blessed are they that mourn—for they shall be comforted.
Mourn—to be sad—have sorrow.
Why would Jesus think it would be good for a person to have “sorrow”?
The “sorrow” Jesus was speaking about was about our spirits.
To understand that we have sinned and done wrong against God.
To have sorrow about that.
To feel shame. To feel sad that we went against God.
If we have sorrow and “mourn”—we will admit and confess that we have sinned and done wrong. We have gone our own way.
Then we can confess our wrong to God and ask for forgiveness.
A person has to see himself as a “sinner”—to see his wrong doing—for him to realize he needs to be forgiven—if he wants to go to heaven and be with God.
So an attitude of “mourning” and sorrow are needed for a person to see his need of forgiveness.
Then he can go to God in a humble attitude and ask for forgiveness.
When he does that—he will find “comfort”—because God will forgive his sins.
No longer—will that person need to feel guilty—or ashamed–or afraid of death—or hell—he will have the “comfort” of knowing that his sins have been “washed away” and everything is okay between him and God.
That is a great “comfort”! Peace comes when sins are forgiven.
#3 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Meek does not mean “weak’.
Meek means a person with a quiet spirit. A humble spirit.
A meek person does not try to get attention on themselves. They do not try to be the “center of attention”.
They are fine with just being with others—even if they are not especially noticed.
They are not selfish—and try to get their own way.
They control what they say—using gentle and kind words.
They control the way they say things—using careful chosen words.
They tried not to upset people and hurt them or make them angry.
If they have reason to be angry and need to talk to someone about it—they think about it carefully and they choose words carefully.
They explain why they are angry. They do not use curse words and nasty mean words. They choose nice words but they still get their meaning across to the person.
Good words can tell a person you are angry and why—-without insulting and hurting the other person—one does not have to use curse words or nasty words.
Meek people do not have to be bossy and mean. They can use nice words to tell people what they need.
Meek people can be strong and firm—but gentle (not using much force).
Example: If you have a heavy piece of furniture—a sofa, or couch— you carry it into a room and you need to set it down——if you are a weak person—as you let the sofa go down lower—your weakness will just let the sofa drop down on the floor with a crash.
If you are a strong person—you have the strength to control the sofa all the way down to the floor and set it down “gently”—no crash—soft landing.
A meek person can have strength and control—to say things, to do things—gently.
Not all “meek” persons are strong. Some are very timid and weak.
That is not a good thing.
But, being “meek” of attitude is a good thing.
People who are gentle with others—are well liked. Everyone likes to be around them. People feel safe with them. People don’t get hurt by them.
People who are gentle have many friends and other people speak good things about them.
Their blessing? To inherit the earth.
Their gentle ways and words—-bring them many good things—the favor of people—probably gifts of appreciation—they probably will be chosen to lead others—-etc. They are popular people.