Psalms 23

Psalms 23

By Joyce Webb 2025


This Psalm is memorized by thousands of people.

Some people say it—— like it was a prayer.

Other people say to themselves to comfort their feelings.

This is a psalm (song) that King David (in the Bible) wrote.

When David was a young boy—and into his teen years—he was a shepherd. He took care of his father’s flock of sheep.

A shepherd watched out for the sheep. He protected them from wild animals.

David told about using his sling to throw stones at animals. He may also have used a wood club.

He also liked to sing and play his harp while he was watching the sheep.

This is one of the songs that he wrote.


Psalms 23 (KSV)

Vs. 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

David knew all the things a shepherd did. He knew that a shepherd was like a “mother” to watch out for each sheep.

In our English today, the word “want” means more like “desire”—I want something—I may not “need” it—I just want it.

The word “want” in old English—meant to need something and but you don’t have it.

David said the Lord knows what I need. I shall not go without the things I need.

The Lord watches over us also. He knows what we need. He makes a way to give us what we need.

The “way” may be —that we work and have money to buy it.
Or—maybe someone gives it to us.
Or—he gives us an “idea” in our mind how to make it or do it

There are many “ways” the Lord can bring to us the things we need.

Most of us have a problem with what we think we need. Often it is just something we want—but don’t really need it.

In the New Testament, Paul said: Philippians 4:19 “…my God shall supply (give) all your need—-according to His riches in glory—by Christ Jesus.”

God will give to us what we need.

He may give us some of what we “want”—-but that is not part of the verse.

Vs. 2 He (Lord) maketh (makes) me to lie down in green pastures.

The shepherd leads the sheep—every day—to a place where there is plenty of green grass to eat.

It is usually a quiet place to rest.

The Lord leads us every day. He helps us through each day.

Every day has its problems. Every day has some happy time.

Every day there are new things to learn and understand.

Vs. 2 He leadeth (leads) me beside still waters.

Sheep are afraid of rushing fast water. It makes them nervous.
They like quiet running water.

We also need quiet times. Time to sit and think. Time to close our eyes and rest. Time to be alone and do something that we enjoy doing.

Most important—time to be quiet—read the Bible. Pray. Think about what we read. Give thanks to God for the things we have, and for the things God does for us.

Like a shepherd knows the nature of sheep—-so the Lord knows the nature of each one of us.

The Lord knows each of us very well. He knows our nature. He knows that some of us are shy and quiet, —–some people like fast noisy things, some people are not afraid of anything, —-the Lord knows that about us. He leads us in ways that go with our nature.

The Lord has a plan for each of us— for our lives. He knows what we like, he knows what we are afraid of, etc. He has a “ministry” for us to do for him that goes with our nature.

Sometimes the Lord does put us in a place that is a challenge to us and we have to learn new things—some times they are hard to learn. But in the end—we grow and can do things we did not think we could do.

Vs. 3 He restoreth (restores—makes new or whole again) my soul.

When you sleep—your body restores itself. Restore—to fill up again.

When you do something that brings you pleasure and makes you happy—your mind and spirit is restored—filled up again.

The Lord knows what things that we need to restore our bodies, our minds, and our spirit-soul.

The Lord makes us “whole” again.

Things we have done in the past—that worry us. We can give them to God. Leave them there. Do not pick them up again.

Let God make you “whole” again.

Problems are heavy for us. We need the Lord to give us rest in our minds—to restore our peace and a quiet mind.

Our spirits can become tired and worn from having to live with some people, to work with some people, to take care of some people—-we feel worn out—not just in our body—but in our minds, too.

We need quiet time for the Lord to “restore” us and make us “whole” again.

Vs, 3 He leadeth ) leads me in the paths of righteousness—for His name’s sake.

He leads me in ways that are right, ways that please God.

God will not lead you in ways of sin.

God will not lead you in ways of anger, getting back at someone, being mean, hate, being jealous.

God will lead you in ways of showing patience —-even to people who are hard to get along with.

God will lead you in ways that will help you learn more about Him.

God will lead you in ways that are right, holy, and please God.

He does this for your good. He does this for His good. You are his “sheep”—he wants you to do well.

Your doing well—helps God’s good name.

You may know of people who say they are Christians—-but the things they say and do—are not “Christian.”

If a person says they are a Christian and they do things that are not pleasing to God—they sin—they are unkind, mean, cheat, lie, etc.
Get drunk, do sexual sins, etc.

Then they bring shame to God’s name. People know how a Christian should act—they watch to see if we are really following what Jesus taught.

If we are doing wrong —it gives God a bad name. That is not helpful to God.

People know how a Christian should act—they watch to see if we are really following what Jesus taught.

For God’s own sake (benefit) He wants his “sheep” to do well.

Vs. 4 Yea, (Yes,) though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou (you) art (are) with me:
Thy (your) rod and thy staff comfort me.

David had many times when he was near to being killed.

That was “the shadow of death”.

But God was with him and kept him safe.

For David—God protected him many times—and his enemies could not touch him.

Maybe you have had times in your car—when you almost had an accident—but you did not. You were saved.

Maybe you have had times when you were in a dangerous place—yet you did not have anything bad happen. God watched over you.

The Bible tells us that we are not to do foolish things that are dangerous. That would be like tempting God to save us —but because of our foolish choice—maybe he would not save us.

Matthew 4: 7 Jesus told Satan. “Thou shalt (shall) not tempt the Lord thy God.” Also, in Deuteronomy 6:16

Satan was tempted Jesus—after Jesus had been baptized in the river by John the Baptist. Satan took Jesus up high on the temple walls and said to him–”Throw yourself down—God will send angels to save you.”

To jump off that high place was foolish.

Doing foolish things–when we know better—is “tempting” God not to save you.

He may—-but He may just let you suffer your foolish choice.

Some times people have to do things that are dangerous. Some people do jobs that are dangerous. Then we can ask God to be with us and keep us safe.

When we try to make good choices—and we still end up in a dangerous place—God will help us.

Vs. 4 Thy rod and thy staff—they comfort me.

A shepherd carried something like a long cane. It was a rod with a curved “hook” on the end like a wooden cane.

If a sheep got into a place that was dangerous, or it could not get out of it—and the shepherd could not reach it with his arm—he used the staff (cane) to hook onto the sheep and pull it out.

The rod or staff could also be used to tap the sheep to get it going in the right direction—like a little “spank” on the rear.

The Lord “taps” us to get us going in the right direction.

The Holy Spirit speaks to us in our “mind-spirit” and warns us not to do something—or to do something.

It is like a quiet whisper. God does not shout.

We need to learn to give attention to the quiet whispers to our spirit—and do what is right.

Sometimes God warns us not to do something.

Sometimes God wants us to ask for forgiveness from someone and tell them we are sorry.

Sometimes God wants us to speak to someone about Jesus.

Or, to go visit someone to be an encouragement to them.

Learning to give attention to the whispers to our spirit takes practice and learning—-but it is so important—and the whispers are for our good.

The Lord is like a Father—he disciplines us—”spanks” us–”punishes” us gently— in some way —-to get us back on the right path.

People tell how they went off on their own way—and then how much trouble they had—- how so many things went wrong—-God used those things to get them back on the right path.

David said—the rod and staff are a comfort to him.

The rod—the “tap” —the “spank”—helps us stay on the right path.

The staff pulls us back onto the right path.

Both are for our benefit.

Vs. 5 Thou preparest (prepares) a table before me—in the presence of mine enemies.:

The Lord showed favor and blessings to David—-his enemies saw how the Lord blessed David.

The “table” speaks of a full table of food. God gives us blessings–not just food—but many things.

David’s enemies could see how blessed David was. They saw how the Lord watched over him.

The Lord gives us favor, also. He watches over us.

God gives us good things—things that make us happy.
God gives us the things we need.

God shows favor to those who belong to Him.
Sometimes other people —who have not make Jesus their Lord—suffer—-when God’s people do not.

That is not always true. God’s people can suffer along with everyone else at times—like earthquakes, storms, etc.

Other people may watch our lives and see the blessings we have and wonder how we got so “lucky”. It is not “luck”, it is the Lord’s blessings.

Vs. 5 Thou anointest (anoints—puts oil on) my head with oil.

Olive oil was used on the sheep to help heal cuts.

Oil was also using for healing sores and cuts. Olive oil was used not just for cooking, but for cuts and sores.

A shepherd would use oil on the cuts and sores of the sheep.

A shepherd would check over the sheep to see if there were any cuts or problems. A shepherd would take care of it and make sure it healed.

The Lord watches over us. Sometimes things in life hurt us. We are sad, upset, etc. The Lord comforts us and the Holy Spirit speaks into our minds and spirits to encourage us and comfort us.

When our troubles seem too much for us—we need to say to the Lord—-”These thoughts are too heavy for me to think about and carry. They make me too sad and upset. I am giving them to you to keep for me. You keep these thoughts for me and carry for me.”

Then we need to leave them with the Lord and refuse to think about them again.

Anointing the head with oil was a special ceremony to show honor and respect for the priest and king.

Anointing the head with oil—was a sign of blessing and honor.
Perfumed Oil was poured over the head of a priest or king.

Perfumed Oil was used in the Jewish religious ceremony of a priest.

Perfumed Oil was used in putting the crown on the head of a king.

The Lord showed honor to David. He made him a king over Israel.

He promised that someone from his family—even long into the future—would be a king—-forever.

This will come true in Jesus.

David was of the tribe (family group) of Judah. Jesus’ mother was from Judah’s family. Joseph, his earthly father, was also from the tribe of Judah.

In Jewish a family, the family line is counted through the mother. Jesus’ mother was of the tribe of Judah.

Jesus will be a king of all the earth. He will be a king forever.
God gives to us—blessing and honor.

We are His anointed ones. As Christians—we will be there with Him—-forever.

Vs. 5 My cup runneth (runs) over.

Have you ever filled a cup with water until it ran over the edge?

David is saying—the Lord’s blessings to me have been so many that they are like a cup running over.

Those who walk with the Lord—know how the blessings of the Lord are so many. Our “cup” is full—and running over.

Vs. 6 Surely, (for sure) goodness and mercy shall follow me—all the days of my life:

David was sure that God would be with him all the days of his life. And that meant that good things and mercy for God would be in his life.

That is true for us, too.

Goodness—blessings. Also, grace. Grace is favor–blessings given to you— when you do not deserve it.

Mercy is given to you—you don’t get the punishment and consequences that should come to you for what you did.

As Christians, goodness and mercy will follow us—during our life—-and some day we will live in the House of the Lord forever.

Vs. 6 And I will dwell (live) in the house of the Lord forever.

David was sure of where he was going when he died.

We can be sure of where we are going when we die.

Believe in Jesus—ask for forgiveness of your sin—walk with God and stay faithful in your faith to Him—and you will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Someday you will get to see the forever King of David’s family—Jesus. And you will get to see David.