Bible Questions #5466-5479
By Joyce Webb
II Corinthians Chp 4 Vs. 1-18
5466. Vs. 1 Paul said: We have this m______________. We have received ______________. We ____________ not.
5467. Vs. 2 We have renounced (will not allow) the hidden things of d___________________. We do not walk (do things) c___________________ (meaning to deceive someone).
We do not handle the word of God d____________________.
We manifest (show) the _______________—-and we
c_____________________ (we prove that we deserve to have honor)—-to every man’s conscience (mind) in the sight of God.
5468. Vs. 3 If the gospel (we preach) is hidden—not understood—then it is the people who do not believe and are spiritually lost.
Vs. 4 To them—the ________ of this _______________ has blinded their minds—-so that they do not b_________________.
The god of this world (Satan) does not want the light of the g_____________ of Christ to shine into their hearts and minds.
5469. Vs. 5 We preach not ourselves—-not our own ideas—-but
_________________ _______________ the Lord; and we ourselves are your s__________________ for Jesus’ sake.
5470. Vs. 6 God —who commanded the _______________ to shine out of ____________________—–has shined into our
___________________—–to give the light of the ____________________________ of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
5471. Vs. 7 We have this ___________________ (precious, valuable thing)—-in earthen vessels (our human hearts)—-that the excellent (wonderful) power (in our lives) if of God and not of
5472. Vs. 8 We have __________________ on every side.
Yet–we are not distressed (worried, discouraged). We are perplexed ( puzzled, not understanding why)—-but we are not in
____________________ (sad, worried.
5473. Vs. 9 We are p____________________ (criticized, beaten, put in jail, hurt,)—but we are not f_____________________ (let alone by God) —-we have been ______________ down, but we are not destroyed.
5474. Vs. 10 We bear in our own body—the suffering like our dying Jesus, so that the _____________ of Jesus might be manifest (shown) in our body.
5475. Vs.11 As we live (and preach for Christ)—we often are close to d________________ for Jesus’ sake.
We do this—so that the life of Jesus will be shown in us.
5476. Vs. 12 Death is often near us. We do it to bring eternal life to you.
Vs. 13 We have the same spirit in us and the person who wrote psalms (Psalms116:10)— “I believed, and it is written, I believed and so I have spoken.”—-We also believe and we have spoken.
Vs. 14 We know that He (God) who raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise u___ up also—-by Jesus, and shall present (bring us before God)—-and with you, too.
5477. Vs. 15 For all things (that we do) are for your sake (benefit).
That God giving abundant (much) g______________ many will come to believe in Christ.
There will be much th_____________________g—and glory given to God.
5478. Vs. 16 For this cause (reason) we do not faint (give up)—-
Even though our outer-man (our bodies) are tired and weary—-yet our inward man (our hearts and spirits) are renewed (made new) day by day.
Vs. 17 This light affliction—small troubles and hurts—are for a __________________ (a short time)—-but they work far more good and eternal weight (importance) for glory and eternity.
5479. Vs. 18 We do not look at things we can see. We look at things we cannot see (spiritual things). Things we can see are temporary (for here on earth a short time) —-but the things we cannot see (spiritual things) will last for eternity.