Bible Questions #5440-5453
By Joyce Webb
II Corinthians Chp 2 Vs. 1-17
5440. Vs.. 1 Paul said–I made a decision—-I would not come to you—with my heart heavy about what has happened.
Vs. 2 I did not want to make you s_________. Then who would make me g_________.
Vs. 3 I wrote this same thing to you. Because I did not want to make you sad with sorrow. You are the ones who make me rejoice.
5441. I have c___________________ in all of you. That you will be a joy to me.
5442. Vs. 4 My heart was full of anguish (sorrow) and I wrote to you with many t____________.
Vs. 5 (The man) who gave you so much trouble and sorrow—hurt you —more than he hurt me.
5443. Vs. 6 Sufficient (enough) was his p___________________—which he felt from all of you.
5444. Vs. 7 So, now you should f_______________ him.
And c______________ him. So that he is not so sorrowful that he gives up his faith.
5445. Vs. 8 I ask you to confirm (show him) your l____________ to him.
5446. Vs. 9 This was the reason I wrote to you—- to know if you were ob_________________ in what I told you to do.
5447. Vs. 10 If you f__________________ anything, I will f_______________ them, too.
5448. Vs. 11 We forgive him—so that S____________ should not take advantage of us.
5449. We are not i___________________ (not knowing)—-of Satan’s devices (tricks to discourage).
5450. Vs. 12 When I came to Troas to preach—-the Lord opened a “d___________” of opportunity for me.
5451. Vs. 13 I did not find T___________, my brother in Christ—so I went on to M________________.
5452. Vs. 14 Thanks be to __________, who always makes us triumph (have victory) in Christ.
5453. Vs. 15-16 We are to God like a sweet __________________ (smell)—and to those who are s_______________.
But to those who are not saved —-we are like a smell of d______________.
Vs. 17 We are not like those preachers who twist and turn the scriptures in a wrong way,—-but we preach truth in the sight of God. We speak in Christ.