By Joyce Webb 2024
Chapter 3 Verses 1-15
Verse 1 Paul tells Titus to teach the believers—-to be respectful to government leaders over them.
Verse 2 They should not speak evil of any one.
They should not be a person who gets angry and fights with others.
They should be gentle, show meekness, and be humble.
Verse 3 Paul said—We should remember that in the past—we were foolish, and disobedient. We deceived others. We had sinful lust and desires and pleasures.
We had envy and anger toward others.
Verse 4 But after that—- the kindness and love of God our Savior came unto man. (Meaning—Christ’s teachings and forgiveness changed us.)
Verse 5 It was not by works of righteousness that we have done—-
But according to his mercy—-he saved us.
He saved us—by the washing away our sins—making us a new person in Christ. The Holy Spirit made us clean and new.
Verse 6 This forgiveness and mercy was given to us in a large way—through Jesus Christ.
Verse 7 We are justified (made right with God) by his grace.
(Not by what we have done.)
(Many people think—if they are a “good” person—-they will go to heaven. If they are a “bad” person—then they will not go to heaven.)
(So what makes a “good” person?
Just because you don’t steal or murder someone—does that make you a good person?
According to the Bible—we have all sinned and come short of God’s glory. Romans 3:23 Our “righteousness” in God’s eyes is like dirty rags. Isaiah 64:6
Deep in our hearts we are sinful, selfish, disobedience, not wanting to obey God. People have been this way since Adam sinned.
Any righteousness we have—is Christ giving us His righteousness—- because of His love and mercy– he forgives our sin.
Without Christ—-we have no goodness—and no hope of heaven.)
So we would be made heirs (inherit—receive) —-to receive eternal life—-this is our hope—this is what we look forward to.
Verse 8 This is a faithful and true teaching. These things I (Paul) will continue to believe.
Those who have believed in God should be careful to keep on doing good works.
These things are good and bring profit (blessings) to men.
Verse 9 Do not ask foolish questions. Do not argue about how great your fathers, grandfathers—past family was.
Do not argue about the Old Testament laws.
This kind of talk and arguments have no profit or good.
Verse 10 A man who is a heretic (someone who holds to beliefs that are not according to the scriptures)—-
after you have tried to show him and convince him—two times—and he still will not change his belief—-then leave him alone—do not have anything more to do with him.
Verse 11 Understand that this person is determined to believe what he wants to believe. This is wrong and he sins. He has condemned himself by his own choice.
Verse 12-13 Paul speaks of men that he knows that will come to see him.
Verse 14 Let the believers learn to do good works that are needed.
In this way they will be fruitful—a blessing to others.
Verse 15. All the believers that are here with me—we send you greetings. Greet all the believers there that love us.
Grace be with you all. Amen.