Book 25—-I Timothy—-Chp. 6 Vs. 1-20

I Timothy

By Joyce Webb 2024

Chapter 6        Verse 1- 20

Verse 1 Paul speaks to the servants and slaves.

Those who are under the “yoke” meaning—bondage—as an indentured servant that is required to serve a certain number of years to pay off a debt—–and to slaves that are bought.

Paul tells them to honor their “masters”. So that God’s name will be honored also.

Verse 2 If their “masters” are believers in Jesus, they should not hate their masters —-because their masters are their “brothers” in Christ.

The servants should serve with faithfulness—because you are helping another believer.
Paul tells Timothy to teach these this.

Verse 3, 4 If another person teaches something else, or words that are not what Jesus would say—-then that person is proud—–and uses words to stir up trouble and bad feelings.

Verse 5 People who use words to stir up trouble—-are not teaching Christ’s way. They use religious teaching as a way to get rich.

Verse 6 To be godly and to be content with what you have and what your place is among men —is a very good thing.

Verse 7 We did not come into this world with anything.

(Babies come into the world with nothing.)
And when we die—we will take nothing with us.

Verse 8 If we have food and clothes—we should be content with that.

Verse 9 People who are always trying to get rich—will fall into temptation to do wrong, or be proud.

They will be tempted with foolish and hurtful lust of the flesh.
These temptations will take them down and destroy them.

Verse 10 The love of money—-is the root of all evil.

Some covet riches—greatly desire it—spend much time and energy trying to get rich.

In doing this, they stray away from Christ’s teachings and the faith.

They hurt themselves greatly.

Verse 11 You, a man of God—stay away from these things.
Follow after being meek, righteous, godly, —have faith, love, patience and be humble.

Verse 12 Fight the good fight of faith.
Get a hold of eternal life.
You have been called to this. Many have witnessed your calling.

Verse 13 I urge you, Timothy, to keep the Lord’s commandments and teachings. Do this before God, before Jesus (who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate).

Verse 14 Keep Christ’s teachings and do it without sin —so that no one can blame you.
Do this until Jesus’ appears and comes again.

Verse 15 When he comes, the world will see who is the real and only Potentate (King, Ruler) —the King of all kings, the Lord of all lords.

Verse 16 He is the only one who is immortal (lives forever).

He lives in light.
No one can come near him.
No one has seen him—-nor can they see him.
To him be glory, and honor and power forever. Amen.

(People have seen Jesus in his human form. A small group has seen Jesus in his glorified body after he came alive from the dead.

When Paul says no man has seen him or can see him—-he is talking about God the Father—-or the God-head as the Trinity of 3–God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit as One God.

No one has seen God the Father‘s face. No one can see God’s face and live. Exodus 33:20

Some day—believers–once in heaven and changed into forever heavenly bodies—-will see God face to face. (Revelation 22:4)

(Until then, God’s power is so great and holy—-our human bodies could not stand to be in his powerful presence—it would kill us.)

Verse 17 Paul tells Timothy—Speak to those who are rich in this world—-tell them not to be proud —-not to think a lot of themselves.

Tell them not to trust in those riches—because the riches could disappear quickly.
They should trust in the living God. He is generous to give us all things to enjoy.

Verse 18 Believers should be “rich” in doing good works.

They should be ready to give to others. They should be ready to tell others about Jesus and his teachings.

Verse 19 Doing this is like laying up treasure for the future in heaven.

Verse 20 O, Timothy, keep those things and teachings that have been given to you.

Stay away from arguments and discussions that are empty and have no value—–and those who speak against the scriptures because they say “science” does not agree.

Such people have trusted such speakers and their arguments— and have left the faith.

Grace be with you. Amen.