Bible Questions #5227-5237—- I Corinthians Chp. 7 Vs. 1-17

Bible Questions #5227-5237

By Joyce Webb

I Corinthians        Chp 7    Vs 1-17

5227. Vs. 1,2 Stay away from f_____________________—–
Sexual relations with someone you are not married to.

5228. Let every man have his own ____________ and every woman have her own _______________________.

5229. Vs. 3,4 Paul uses polite words here—-but the meaning is for couples to enjoy sexual relations with each other.

The man should not refuse to have relations with his wife and the wife should not refuse to have relations with the husband.

Because they are married—they have promised the other—to be their mate— and they should honor that promise.

Vs. 5 If a husband or wife wants to devote themselves for fasting and prayer—-they should agree together about not having sexual relations for a time—-but then they should come together again.

Because—Satan may tempt one or the other to have relations with someone else.

Vs. 6 Paul says he gives this advice —-not because the Lord told him this—-but because Paul sees the wisdom of doing this—-and he feels that the Lord is okay with it.

Paul did not feel a check in his spirit that he should not say that.

Vs. 7 Paul said that he thought it would be a good thing if other men were like him.

(Paul was not married. He thought that was a good thing for Christian men—-so they could travel and preach—and not have to worry about a wife and family.)

Vs. 8 But he says—-not all men could do this—their nature and personality would not be able be without a wife.

Vs. 9 So, if they would be too tempted to sin–sexually—they should marry.

5230. Vs.10 Again, Paul says—-the advice he is giving—this time —it is a command from God—-and not his own thoughts—–

That is: A wife should not ___________________ (leave)
her __________________.

5231. Vs. 11 But is she leaves, she should not ________________________.

5232. Or she should go back to her ___________________.

5233. And the husband should not _________________ his wife.

5234. Vs. 12 For couples—if one is a believer and one is not a believer

Paul says—–If the man is the believer and the _______________
is not—-but she is happy staying with him—–the husband should

5235. Vs. 13 If the wife is the believer—-and man is not—-but the man is happy staying with the ___________________——then

5236. Vs. 14 What was Paul’s reason that the believing Christian mate should stay?
2 reasons:______________________________________

5237. Vs. 15 If the one mate who is not a believer wants to leave the marriage—-what does Paul say? ____________________________________________________

God has called us to peace. Meaning that with one of the mates a Christian, and one not—-there could be a lot of arguing about things.

Vs. 16 If the Christian mate stays—they might be able to influence the other one to become a Christian.

Vs. 17 Paul says—This is what he teaches in all the churches.