Book 25—-I Timothy—Chp. 4 Verse 1-16

I Timothy

By Joyce Webb 2024

Chapter 4      Verse 1-16


Verse 1  The Holy Spirit tells us—-that in the last days—-some people will give up their faith.

They will listen to “seducing spirits”–meaning the voice of the tempter–Satan—that will pull them to believing in teachings that are of the devil—evil, wrong, false teaching.

Verse 2 These “teachers” will speak words that are false—but they will say they are “truth”.

These teachers seem to be spiritual and religious—but they have no conscience—no inner voice of knowing right and wrong. They have believed a wrong lie so long— their conscience is dead.

Verse 3 Some of these teachers will say that you should not marry.

That you should not eat certain kinds of meat.
(Meats that God created –and for us to receive them with thanks.)

Verse 4 Every animal that God created is good. We do not need to refuse any of them. (If we give thanks for it.)

Verse 5 For it has been made clean and acceptable by the word of God and by prayer.

(Remember—that for thousands of years—since the Old Testament times—the Jews did not eat certain kinds of meat.

Then the disciple Peter saw a vision —-there were all kinds of animals—-God’s voice told him to eat them. Peter had a hard time believing that he was to kill the animals and eat the meat of those animals. Peter saw this same vision 3 times.

God was showing Peter—and the Jews—-that it was okay now—to eat those animals.

Soon after Peter saw the vision—-a Gentile man came to ask Peter to come into his home and teach him and his family and neighbors about Jesus and God.

Before this—Jews did not eat with Gentiles in their home—because they ate meats Jews were not allowed. But now—Peter could go into this man’s home and eat what was served.
(See Acts chp. 10)

(Paul is warning Timothy that there are Jews that are teaching new believers that they have to follow the old Jewish laws about meat.

Paul is saying that Jews do not need to follow that old law any more.)

Verse 6 Paul said—If you remind these men about how the rule about meat was changed—you will be doing a good thing.

Verse 7 Do not listen to profane (against God) talk, or to “old wives tales”—meaning stories that are not true or are superstitions.
Keep yourself to godly talk and teaching.

Verse 8 Body exercise is good. But it gives only a small benefit.
Being godly is of more profit. We have the promise that God is with us in this life and we will have life forever in heaven.

(The people of Greece and many nations around them were strong on teaching and encouraging physical exercise and trim, fit bodies.
It was a big part of their culture.)

Paul is saying to Timothy—physical exercise is good—but do not get caught up in spending much time doing it—there are more important ways to spend your time.

Verse 9 Paul says This is wise advice.

Verse 10 We Christians work to tell others about Jesus. We suffer people being against us and saying bad things about us.
All because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men—–especially for those who believe.

Verse 11 Paul told Timothy—Do not let anyone not respect you because you are young.

Be a good example of a one who follows Christ.
Show it in the way you talk, in the words you say.
Show it in love to others. Show it by your spirit.
Show it by your faith and pure living.

Verse 13 Until I (Paul) can come and be with you—give time to reading the scriptures, to teaching the people, to explaining doctrine and beliefs.

Verse 14 You have a gift of leading and teaching—use it.
The Holy Spirit gave a prophecy about you as men laid hands on you and prayed over you.

Verse 15 Remember those things—think about them.
Give yourself to doing God’s calling on you.
So that you can be a blessing to all.

Verse 16 Give attention to Christ’s teaching for your own life.
Continue to obey them. Then you will save yourself and you will help save others that hear you.