Bible Questions #5198-5204—-I Corinthians Chp. 5 Verse 1-13

Bible Questions #5198-5204

By Joyce Webb

I Corinthians                   Chp 5     Vs 1-13

5198. Paul heard that there were some persons in the group of believers that were doing the sin of _________________.

5199. It was something that even most non-Christians would not do. What was happening? ___________________________

5200. Vs. 2-4 Paul said the group should be showing sorrow and be upset by this sin in their group, but they seemed to be ignoring it and doing nothing.

Vs. 5 Paul said they should put him out of the group—-and let Satan bring him to a place of ________________________.
So that the trouble and pain he experiences —-will show him his is wrong and his s____________________ would be saved.

5201. Vs. 6 Paul told the group that a little “leaven” will influence and affect the whole group. (Leaven is yeast. Even a little yeast in bread dough will go through all of it and make it all rise.)

So, Paul is using the example of “leaven” to show what sin will do in a group.

Vs. 7 Paul tells them to __________________ out is leaven.
So that the group will be whole and spiritually healthy.

5202. Vs. 8 Again, Paul uses bread as an example. Using leaven as an example of sin—of m_________________ and w________________________. He tells them they should be as bread without leaven—-(like a flat bread, or cracker)—-having
S_____________________ and t________________.

5203. Vs. 9 Paul told them that he wrote them a letter —-that they should not keep company with a man called a “brother” in the Spirit—a person who says he is a Christian.

If that person is doing sexual sins (fornication)—do not keep company with him.

Vs. 10 (Paul was talking about people in their church group. That they were not to allow them to belong to the group if they continued in their sin.

Vs. 11 However, —-people out in the world—-those kind of people will be out there—-to live in this world—you will have to be with such people.

Paul spoke of those who did the sins of c____________________—those jealous and wanting what others had,—-

Or with i__________________________—those who worship idols.

Or r____________________. A person who is bitter and angry and tries to stir people up.

Or d____________________. A person who drinks too much and is drunk.

or with e__________________________—-those who threat others by forcing them to co-operate—because if they do not—they will have something bad happen to them.—

5204. Vs. 12 Paul said, he did not have anything to do with judging those who were out of the church, but they could judge those that were in the church.

Vs. 13 Those who are outside the church—G____ will judge.

So, put away from you the w______________ person.


Those who continue to live doing sin—-end up with the sin punishing them.

A few seem to get away with sinning and are not punished in this life.

But many more their sin causes all kinds of trouble for them.

As their troubles get bigger—those who were once Christians—usually begin to see what sin is doing to them—and they come back to God/Jesus.

Paul is telling the group—do not allow a person—who is doing sins that people know about—do not allow them to be a member of your group of believers.

Sinners who come to learn about Jesus are welcome.

But people who want to say they are followers of Christ –and belong to the group—-and are doing sins that people see and know—they are giving a bad name to Jesus. They are not following Christ. They should not be claiming that they are. They need to stop sinning and repent.

If they do not want to do that—-they should not be a member and say they belong to the group.