Lesson # 90–You are the Salt of the Earth

“You Are the Salt of the Earth.”

By Joyce Webb 2023

Jesus said that those who believe in him—are the “salt of the earth”. Matthew 5: 1

Salt is needed to live.
Salt cleans.
Salt is valuable.
Salt preserves.
Salt enhances–makes things better
Salt heals.
Salt can kill weeds and bugs

We are like salt.

Here are some things that salt does:

**Salt keeps us alive. People and animals need some salt in what they eat to keep their bodies healthy.

Farmers and people who care for wild animals some times put blocks of salt out in the field for animals to lick.

Salt needs to be added to the food that people and animals eat.
Not too much ! That’s not good.

**Salt helps things have more flavor and helps it taste better.
Not too much ! We do not want it to taste salty. But just enough to make the flavor of the food be better.

Christians should be like this in the world. Because we are there—we should help things be better.

Because we are part of a group of people—-we should be a help to the “spirit” of what is happening—to help others get along and be peaceful. To help it be a success. Our “spirit” should help all that happens—to be better.

Like salt—-we should not be such a strong personality that takes over—like food that has too much salt.

We are not to “ force people to listen to us” — we are not to be “preaching to everyone whether they want us to or not”—we need to use wisdom—-speak carefully, add to the conversation without overwhelming it—give a witness and testimony without being too pushy.

**Salt is used to preserve or keep food from spoiling—going bad.
Long ago, before refrigerators—-people used salt on meat to keep it from going bad.

Christians help “preserve” the world we live in. By living the way God tells us to—-we help keep the world from so much sin.
Christians help make laws that keep the people from doing bad things.

**Salt is used to clean and remove stains.

Christians help keep the world clean by right living.

Some day when Jesus comes in the clouds to take up all the believers into heaven with him—–the Holy Spirit will be taken up also. The Holy Spirit will not be here on the earth any more to show people that they are guilty of sin. The Holy Spirit will not speak to them any more. People will become more evil than ever.

This world will become very evil and wicked. Much worse than it is now.

**Salt can be used to heal. Some kinds of sores and skin rashes and insect bites can be healed with salt.

Christians can help people “heal” their spirits. God’s truth and forgiveness can heal people. We can share with them what God has done for us.

**Salt can be used to kill weeds and bugs.

Our Christians influence in the world helps “kill” sin and evil things.

**Salt is a valuable thing. Long ago, Roman soldiers were paid in salt. They were given a package of salt for their wage—pay.
That is where we get the word “salary”.
It was a payment of salt for their work.

Salt is still very valuable. Everyone needs salt. Taking salt from the ground, cleaning it, putting it in packages, selling it, —-is a big business all over the world.

The world does not understand how valuable the Christians are to the world.

Who started the hospitals? Christian people.
Who started groups that help poor people? Christians
Who votes in laws that punishes crime? Christians
Who has churches that teach what God’s word says? Christians
Who started groups like the Salvation Army that help poor people?
Who started colleges for higher learning for teachers, and doctors, and lawyers? Christians (Most of them are not Christian any more.)

When the Christians are gone from this world—–it will be an evil and wicked place.
Jesus gave a warning. He said that salt that loses its saltiness—is not any good. It is thrown out.

Christians keep their “saltiness” by obeying what Jesus taught.

By obeying —-we keep our lives pure and clean. By obeying—the Holy Spirit keeps working in our life. By obeying—-other people will see we are different and they will notice it is because of our belief in Jesus.

How we live—the things we do or do not do—-the things we say—-the attitudes we have—the peace and joy that is part of our personality—-all these things are our testimony to others that Jesus
has made a difference in our life.

If we do the same sins as other people. If we have the same attitudes as other people. If we show the same anger and temper as other people. If we gossip and talk about people. If we use the same bad words as other people—–what good are we? Have we let Jesus do anything in our life to make us different?

We do not want to be “salt” with no “saltiness”. We want to be a Christian who shows the glory of God in the way we live and talk.

If our life does not show God’s glory—-something is wrong.
We need to look at ourselves and see if we are obeying what Jesus said.

We are very valuable to this world.

Let us be “the salt of the earth.”

Let us do what we can to “preserve” (keep) goodness in this world.

Let us do what we can to “clean” up the “dirty” things that happen around us.

Let us do what we can to “heal” those people who have been hurt and abused.

Let us do what we can to “ give flavor” to the groups we belong to—so that the group is better —because we are part of it.

Keep the faith. Stay true to Jesus. Let your Christian influence affect the people you meet and the things you do.