Book 24—-Mark—-Chp. 14–Vs. 12-25


By Joyce Webb 2023

Chapter 14      Verse 12-25

Verse 12 It was the first day of “unleavened bread”—this was Passover—in the spring time.

Leaven means yeast. It makes the bread rise into a loaf. Without yeast it is a flat bread like a pita, or tortilla. Every country has their own name for their flat bread.
The reason for the unleavened bread—was a remembering time of when the Jewish people left Egypt in Old Testament times. The Jewish people had been slaves in Egypt.

The time had come when God decided to bring them out of Egypt. During the evening they were to kill a lamb and roast it.
They were to make unleavened bread because —there was not time to wait for bread to rise and then bake it. They would be leaving that evening in a hurry.

So every spring time, at a remembering time called Passover—they killed a lamb, roasted it, and ate it and the unleavened bread—-as a remembrance of the time long ago.

This was a very holy day. Every Jew was required to do it. Any other plans for the day had to be set aside and this holy ceremony had to be done.
The disciples asked Jesus, “Where do you want us to go and prepare the Passover meal?” (Jesus and his disciples would share this meal together.)

Verse 13 Jesus told them to go into the city. There they would meet a man who would be carrying a pitcher of water. They were to follow him.

(Usually the women or girls would be carrying water.)

Verse 14 Jesus said–Say to the man, “The master asks, Where is the chamber or room for guests (visitors). I want to eat the Passover with my disciples.”

Verse 15 Jesus said: The man will show you a large upper room with furniture. It will have things in it for us to use. Make the Passover meal ready there.”

Verse 16 So the disciples went into the city, and they saw a man carrying a pitcher of water. They talked to him about the room. Then they made everything ready for the Passover meal.

Verse 17 In the evening, Jesus came with the 12 disciples to the room.

Verse 18 They sat down and ate. Jesus said to them, One of you—who is here eating with us—-will betray me.

(Betray means to —not be true and faithful to someone—-to do something against them that will hurt them.)

Verse 19 The men began to be sad and began asking Jesus—Am I the one who will do this? (The men were puzzled as to who would do such a thing.)

Verse 20 Jesus answered them—It will be the one—who will dip his bread into the dish (of sauce or broth) with me.

Verse 21 I am the Son of Man, —it is written of the Son of Man —that he is to be betrayed. But –woe—or sorrow—or something bad—will happen to the person who does this.

It would have been better if that person would never have been born.

Verse 22 They kept eating. Then Jesus took the bread and blessed the bread—then he broke it into pieces. He gave some to each one.

And then said—Take it and eat. This is my body.
(The bread is his body??? The disciples must have been surprised at him saying this. What did it mean??)

Verse 23-24 Then Jesus took the wine and held it up—gave thanks to God—–then gave some to them—-and said—-”This is my blood of the new testament—which is shed (given, poured out) for many.”

(The wine is his blood??? What did he mean?? His blood was to be poured out for many??)

Verse 25 Jesus said, True, I say to you—I will drink no more fruit of the vine (wine) until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

(What did Jesus mean he would not drink wine again—until he drank it new in the kingdom of God??”
Jesus had told the disciples —several times—that we would die. He told them that the Jewish leaders were after him.

This was such a strange idea to the disciples that they did not believe it and just put those thoughts away and forgot them.

They were still expecting Jesus to rise up and be their king and stop the Romans from ruling over them. That was the “Savior” they were expecting.

Jesus was trying to tell them again—-and that it was written in prophecy in the Old Testament—that the Messiah would die—-like a sheep being led to slaughter (be killed).

God promised Adam and Eve—and Satan—–that someday—her “seed”—a baby from a woman—would bruise Satan’s head.
Satan would bruise that “seed’s” heel—but the “seed” would bruise or crush the head of Satan.

Satan would be completely defeated.

The time had come. Jesus was that “seed” of a woman. That woman, Mary, had not been with a man. The Holy Spirit made her pregnant with a baby. God was truly Jesus father in every way.

That “seed” was now a man. The time had come for Satan to “bruise” Jesus’ heel. But when Satan did that—Jesus would win over Satan—Satan’s head would be crushed. Satan’s power over people would be broken.

Jesus would die. But Jesus would come to life again ! Satan’s power could not keep Jesus dead.

People who sinned—–were to be punished with death forever in hell.

But Jesus took their place—he paid their death punishment for them.

The people who sinned would not have to pay their own punishment of death.

It was paid for by Jesus. Now the people who called on Jesus to forgive them—–could be free of the punishment of death.

They would not have to go to hell forever. They were free—they could go to heaven and be with Jesus who loved them and died for them.

When Jesus told the disciples that the bread was his body—–Jesus meant that the bread was a symbol. It to remind them that Jesus’ body was beaten for them.

When Jesus told the disciples that the wine was his blood—-Jesus meant that the wine was a symbol. It was to remind them that when Jesus was beaten and nailed to the cross—his blood ran out.

Later, when Jesus was not with them any more—–at Passover time—-when they took bread and wine—-they would think of what Jesus did for them.

Later, in the Christian groups, they had what they called “communion”—and they had bread and wine or grape juice—-and as they ate the bread and drank the wine/juice—-they remembered what Jesus did for them.
In churches today, there is a table in the front of the church. Usually once a month—some churches it is more often—-they have trays with little pieces of flat bread or crackers —- and little cups of wine/juice—every one gets one set—and they take the bread and wine and remember what Jesus did on the cross.

On many of the tables—you will see carved into the wood—on the front—these words—”In Remembrance of Me”
Jesus said–he would not drink the wine again—-until some day—-he would drink it—-in the kingdom of God.

Jesus was on earth after he came alive. He was on earth for 40 days and many people saw him. But he did not drink any wine during that time.

Then the day came—he was taken up into heaven in the clouds.
The angels standing near the people who were watching—-said—-”This same Jesus—that you have seen go up into the clouds—-will come again—-in the same way—as you have seen him go.”

Christians everywhere are looking forward to that day when Jesus comes back in the clouds.

When he comes in the clouds—he will gather up into the clouds—all the Christian believers—-those who have died and those still alive—-and take us to heaven. Our bodies will be changed into the kind of bodies that can live in heaven.

(For those who are dead—this will be the “resurrection” of the body.)

(When believers die—their bodies are buried—but their spirit/soul goes to heaven. Later, their bodies are resurrected. Their spirits will join their new heavenly body.)

(For some people—their earthly body has been destroyed and is no more. They will be given a new heavenly body.)

There—-in the Kingdom of God—Jesus will drink wine with all the believers at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.