Bible Questions #5039-5068 —Romans—Chp. 12 Vs. 8-21

Bible Questions #5039-5068

By Joyce Webb

Romans     Chapter 12 Verses 8-21

Verse 8 Let him that has the gift to “exhort”—to talk and get people to do something. To preach—to warn—to get them to believe in Jesus. Let him preach.

5039. Some can give—-meaning give an offering—give money.

Let them do so with s______________________. Meaning—without showing-off, without pride. Just be humble and give it because you have enough to give and you want to help,

5040. Some have a gift– an ability to r__________. Meaning to lead others.
Like a leader–ruler—one who is in charge.

5041. Let that person lead with d_______________________. Meaning with careful attention to do it well and in a right attitude.

5042. Some have a gift of m________________. Some people are able to quickly have sympathy. They are quick to forgive. They are quick to show kindness. To give a second chance to someone.

5043. Let that person do so with c_________________________.

5044. Verse 9 Let l______________ be with out dissimulation.

(Meaning—let them show true love. Not pretending. Not putting on a good show. Not putting on a “face” of love ——but hating them—-or have disgust for them.

5045. Abhor (hate) that which is e____________. Cleave (hold on to) that which is g________________.

Verse 10. Show affection —kind, loving ways—-to one another.

5046. Do it with b____________________ love.

5047. Show h_____________ by putting another person before yourself.

Let someone else take the lead. Let someone else get the credit or honor or praise.

5048. Verse 11. In business–do not be s_________________ meaning lazy.

5049. Be fervent in s___________________. Show you are interested—show you are excited about what you are doing.

And spiritually—be enthusiast–excited–cheerful about serving the Lord.

5050. Verse 12. Rejoice in h____________. Be happy and show it —because you have hope of heaven some day.

5051. Be p__________________ when you are in tribulation—going through troubles and hard times.

5052. Continue in p_____________________. “instant” prayer. Be quick to pray any time— any where. If a person has a problem—pray with them—then and there. Be quick to offer a prayer.

5053. Verse 13 Distribute (give out, give to others) the things that are n____________________. (Things they need.)

5054. Be a person who shows h___________________. Meaning “to host” or to invite people into your home and feed them or give them a drink, or invite them to visit—be open to let people into your home and get to know them—or pray for them—or teach them about Jesus.

5055. Verse 14 B_______________ them that p____________________ you. Meaning—-persecute—to be mean to you—-to hurt you—to say bad things about you.

5056. And c______________ not. Do not wish evil upon them —even when they do bad things to you.

5057. Verse 15 Rejoice (show joy, happiness) with those who r___________________.

5058. Weep (cry, be sad) with those who w_____________.

Be willing to be happy with people when good things happen to them. Be willing to comfort and show sadness for those who have had bad things happen to them.

5059. Verse 16 Be of the same m_______________ one to another.
Meaning—-don’t show 2 faces to people—-do not be sweet and happy and nice to some people and sour and mean to other people.

5060. Do not mind h_____________ things, but condescend to men of l___________ estate.

Do not be friendly to the rich, well-liked people and be not friendly to the poor, not well-liked other people.

5061. Do not be w_____________ in your own conceits. (pride)

Do not be over confident and proud —-thinking you know best and better than others because you think you are so smart.

5062. Verse 17 Do not recompense (pay back) e__________ to someone when they do evil to you.

5063. Be h_________________ in the sight of all men. Do not be sneaky and try to deceive people.

5064. Verse 18 If it is possible—as much as you can—-
live p____________________ with all men—-all people.

(Sometimes—no matter how hard you try—-you can not live peaceably with some people.)

5065. Verse 19. Do not a_________________ yourself.
(Do not do something mean and hateful to someone else—because they did it to you. Do not “pay back” someone because they hurt you or were mean.

See Leviticus 19:18

Do not give place to wrath (anger). Do not hold anger against someone—hold a “grudge”.

5066. V_______________________ is mine—-I will repay. Says the L________________;

God will take care of them. In his time, in his way—-he will see to them.

Take your hurt, anger, feelings that you have been betrayed—put into God’s hands. Let Him take care of those people.

You will only make more trouble for yourself —-if you try to re-pay them. Let God do it.

5067. Verse 20 If your enemy is h___________________, f_________ him. If he is t________________, give him d______________.

If you do this—it is like put hot coals of fire on his head.

He will feel more guilty for what he has done. He will see your kindness—-and see how awful he was.

5068. Verse 21 Do not let e_____________ overcome you. Do not let evil take over you. Do not let evil –hate—take over you mind and spirit.

Overcome—win over evil by doing good.