Book 24—-Mark—-Chp. 10 Vs. 46-52 and Chp. 11 Vs. 1-11


By Joyce Webb 2023

Chapter 10 Verses 46-52        Chapter 11 Verses 1-11

Verses 46 Jesus and his disciples came to the town of Jericho. When they were leaving the town, many people were along the road waiting to see Jesus.
A blind man, named Bartimaeus, was there, too.

Verse 47 When he heard that Jesus was coming along the road, He began to call out—”Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”

Bartimaeus could not see where Jesus was on the road. He did not want Jesus to miss him and walk by. So, he began to call out so that Jesus would notice him.

The people standing near told Bartimaeus not to call out. But that did not stop him. He kept calling out to Jesus.

Verse 49 Jesus heard him. He asked for the blind man to come to him. The people near Bartimaeus said to him, “Jesus is calling to you to come to him.”

Verse 50 Bartimaeus threw off his robe and came to Jesus.

Verse 51 Jesus said, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus said, “I want to receive my sight.”

Verse 52 Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your faith has made you whole.” Immediately, the blind man could see. He followed Jesus along the road.

Chapter 11 Verses 1-11
Verse 1 Jesus and his disciples came near to Jerusalem, to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany. This was near the Mount of Olives.

Jesus told two of his disciples to go into the village. They would see a colt (a young horse or donkey) that was tied. (A man had never tried to ride this colt before.) Jesus said to untie the colt and bring him to me.

If any one asks you why you are taking the colt—-tell them that the Lord has need of him. The man will allow you to take the colt.

Verse 4 The two disciples went into the town and found the colt—just like Jesus said. The colt was tied by the door—in a place where 2 ways met.

The disciples untied the colt. Some men near asked why they were taking the colt. The disciples said, “The Lord has need of him.” So the men let them take the colt.

Verse 7 They brought the colt to Jesus. They put their robes on the colt’s back. Then Jesus sat on the colt.

(The colt had never been ridden before—-yet he did not buck off Jesus ! The colt calmly let Jesus ride him.)

Verse 8 Many people began to take their robes off and lay them on the pathway. (Like the way people do today— when a king or president comes to visit—they roll out a red carpet for the king or president to walk on.)

Some of the people cut palm branches and laid them on the road way. Some people went before Jesus, and some followed after him. They shouted, “Hosanna, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, he that comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna, in the highest.”

(Bible teachers say that “Hosanna” means “save us”. Some people say it means, “Praise the Lord.” Maybe it is used both ways.

The people thought that Jesus was come to be their king. That he would have a kingdom like David did in the Old Testament.

They wanted a “savior” from the Romans who ruled over them. They wanted to rule themselves with their own leader—king.

They had seen the miracles Jesus did. They knew he was special. They thought he would be their king.

They did not understand that he had come to be a “savior“ of their soul. He came to pay their death punishment for sin.)

Verse 11 Jesus went into Jerusalem and went into the temple. He looked around at everything. When it was evening, he and his disciples went to Bethany.