Lesson #89—Hold On—Do Not Lose Your Crown

Hold On — Do not Lose Your Crown

Joyce Webb 2022

There are some verses in Revelation that remind us of things that will happen in the future. I think, these things may happen in a few more years.

Those of us —who have been Christians,– and have heard the prophecy about the end of time—-can see how things are happening now—- in our government— and in other nations’ governments.

Life in the United States is changing.
We see new rules and laws being made—- we see other old rules and laws being ignored.

Laws and new rules are being made that are making our country be very different from the way most of us grew up.

We see ideas about being men and women —-being spoken— that are very different from the way Americans have always thought and believed.

Many of these “new” ideas are against what the Bible teaches.

We see large numbers of people who want to end the life of an unborn child. They are angry—when they can not do it.

We see new inventions in technology of computer chips–that can be put under a person’s skin that are for ID —or can to be used to pay for things —-like we use a debit card.

We read about “tattoos” that have encoded in them the same kind of information as the chips. A person would not need a chip—just one of these tattoos.

The Bible says that some day—in the end of times— the one world leader would make everyone have a mark in their hand or forehead.

Some cities and states and nations have said you have to have a vaccination to work, or to go to places. We see how things are leading up to ways to control people.

All of these things allow the government to have control over the people.

In the future —-there will be a “one world government”.
The Bible talks about—- one leader —-who will have control over all people.

With computers and chips—-we can see how this can be done.

Never before in our world has this been a possibility—but it is now.

We Christians— who know Bible prophecy—see these things happening—-we know the end of time is near—just like the Bible said it would happen.

The Bible also, says that at first —-this one world leader will be well thought of and liked—-but then things change—and he begins to show his evil side.

Terrible things will happen on earth during his time.

Some of the things will be because of what man does that is evil.

Some of the things will be things in nature—-like storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves—-etc.

Even now—there are men who use chemicals and use airplanes to “seed” clouds that change our weather. They can create bad storms and cause the weather to be worse.

The Book of Revelation has many verses telling of the terrible things that will happen.

It will be a terrible time for people living here during that time.

Thousands of people will die because of the terrible things that happen. Many will suffer sickness, and pain, and have a hard time living.

The things that will happen during that time will be the most terrible things that have ever happened on earth.

In Revelation, —the first verse says—”This is the revelation from Jesus Christ which God gave…” The warning in Revelation comes from Jesus.

In Revelation 3:7-13 There is a warning given to the believers in Philadelphia. (This is not an American city—but a city in Bible times in the country that is now Turkey.)

This is the message to them—-(New Living Bible version)

”Because you have obeyed my command to persevere (stay strong in hard times), I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the world to test those who belong to this world.

Look, I am coming quickly. Hold on to what you have, so that no one takes way your crown. “

“All who are victorious (win) will become pillars (columns that support) — in the Temple of my God, — and they will never have to leave it.

And I will write my God’s name on them, and they will be citizens
(members) in the city of my God—the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God.

And they will have my new name inscribed (written) upon them.

Anyone who is willing to hear should listen to the Spirit—-and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

Jesus said that He would protect them from the great time of testing. Bible teachers think this is talking about the time when the one world leader is here.

Paul wrote about the “rapture”—the catching up into the clouds—all believers in Jesus. They go up into heaven with Jesus.

They just disappear into the clouds.

After that happens, the one world leader begins to rule.

These verses in Revelation—remind us—-that we must hold on to our faith and stay true to God.

If we do that—God will keep us from going through the terrible testing time on earth. We will go up in the clouds with Him.

Before the “rapture” happens— things on earth are going to change a lot. Many bad things will begin to happen.

There will be much testing for people —many will give up their faith.

Satan will work hard to get us discouraged, afraid, —to get us to get lazy about God, church, reading the Bible. He will try to get us to sin and do things we know are wrong.

The governments of the world will make new rules to try to control the people.

Many people will do whatever the government says because of fear.

Just like for the vaccine. Businesses said —people had to take the vaccine or give up their job.

That was hard for people. Give up your job ! How will you live and feed your family? Many took the vaccine because they were afraid of losing their job.

The vaccine hurt many people. It made them sick. Many died. Many, even now, are having health problems from it.

Some people do not believe this about the vaccines, but there are records that show it is true.

The point is—-taking the vaccine became a “rule” or “law’ that a person had to do in order to keep their job.

Maybe the next thing will be a “chip” under the skin—or a special “tattoo” for ID —-or a chip for your bank account.

We may be forced to do things we do not want to do.

When the one world leader comes to rule—he will have a “mark”.

He will also have a law saying the people have to worship him.
By taking this mark—you have to worship the “beast” or leader.

This is a mark—-a Christian must not take.

Most Christians will have gone up in the rapture. But there will be people who will become Christians after the rapture. It will be very hard to be a Christian during that time.

The government will be against Christians. People will be against Christians. Christians will not be allowed to do many things. Some will be put in jail or killed.

When the world leader says that all people must have his mark to buy or sell—-that will be very bad news for any Christian.

By taking the “mark” they will have to worship this leader.

The Bible says that if they take the mark—-they will go to hell.

Christians,–know they can only worship God in heaven. They can not take his mark—or worship this leader—or be part of the religion he sets up.

What we see now—governments are making new rules.

Christians see these new “rules” as dangerous —–because of what they are leading to.

Governments are getting things ready for that day.

They are getting the people ready to accept what the government tells them to do.

These things are to get control over the people.

At some point—-Christians who do not do what the government tells them to do—-will not be allowed to buy food, or other needed things,—–they may be put in jail, prison, FEMA camps. —-they may be killed.

Some of these rules will be hard for a Christian. They may not want to follow those rules. It will be a “testing” time for Christians.

There will come a time when the government will be against Christians.

In Germany about 80 years ago, the government there was against the Jews.

Jesus warned us in the book of Matthew Chp. 24, 25—-governments would be against Christians.

The government may say if you give up being a Christian—you can have food to feed your children. If you keep on being a Christian you can not have food.

It will be a hard time !

It will be a testing for whether you will be true to Jesus—or if you will give up Jesus—so you can live and feed your family.

Jesus said If you deny that you belong to Him, He will deny that he knows you before the Heavenly Father. Matthew 10:33

That means—you do not get to stay in heaven.

You need to think about these things now. This could happen. Maybe, sooner than you think.

People who go on living—as though all will be well—are going to be in for a terrible surprise.

They will not be prepared.

The Boy Scouts have a saying, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”

As a Christian, you need to prepare for the “worst”. You need to get spiritually prepared for the worst that might happen.

You need to be spiritually strong.
You will get to heaven—only—if you have Jesus.

If you give up Jesus—you will not get heaven.

Giving up Jesus—to get life here on earth—even for your children—you will lose heaven —forever.

If your children see you giving up Jesus—they will not choose Jesus either—-none of you will go to heaven.

Decide in your mind—that heaven forever—is more important than any thing –or any one —here on earth. Forever is a long time—especially in hell.

Do not give up your heavenly “crown” for anything on earth.

Choose Jesus—put your children in God’s hands —-let God take care of your children.

We hope for the best. We hope Jesus comes in the clouds to take us before things get so bad.

Is your heart right with God? If Jesus came in the clouds today—would you be taken up in the clouds with Him?

Have you thought about what may happen in the future? Have you made up your mind to stay with Jesus—no matter what happens?

Jesus said, “Hold on to your crown. Do not let anyone take it from you.”