Book 24—-Mark—-Chp. 10 Vs. 13-22


By Joyce Webb 2023

Chapter 10      Verses 13-22

Verse 13, 14, 15 Parents brought their children to Jesus. They wanted Jesus to touch them.

The disciples tried to stop the parents—saying that Jesus was too busy to do that.

But Jesus said, Do not stop them. Let the children come to me.
Jesus said, Grown-ups must come to me—like a little child comes—if they want to be in the kingdom of heaven.

( Jesus was saying—-be like a child in faith, and trust. Be open hearted and willing to learn. Children believe what you tell them. Adults need to come to Jesus with that same open trust.)

Verse 16 Jesus took the children up in his arms, he put his hands on them and blessed them.

Verse 17 As Jesus was going along the way, a man came up to him.
He kneeled down and said—”Master, what must I do to get eternal life?”

Verse 18 Jesus said, Why are you calling me good. The only one who is good is God.

(Jesus was testing the man —to see if the man believed that Jesus was God.)

Verse 19 Jesus said, You know the commandments. Jesus named 6 of the commandments.

Verse 20 The man said, I have kept those commandments and obeyed them from the time I was young.

Verse 21 Jesus looked at the man and said—one thing you need to do—-sell all you have and give it to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come take up your cross and follow me.

Verse 22 The man was sad and went away. Because he was very rich.
(When people have a lot of money —-they usually trust in their money.
They can buy whatever they need. They do not have to trust God to help them.

They can pay for doctors. They do not have to trust God to heal them.
Money becomes very important to them. Money makes them feel safe.
Money can become more important than God. They trust in money more than God.

Who needs God —if money can buy anything you need and keep you safe?

Jesus wanted this young man to see that his money was keeping him from completely following Jesus.

Jesus said—after you give away your money—-come follow me—take up your cross and follow me.

Following Jesus may require us to give up things. “Taking up our cross” means—doing things that are hard to do.

It is hard to be a generous and giving person—- and—- keep  your money—- so you can be rich.

Being generous means giving away money and things—-or time—- to help others.

God wants us to be generous and giving.
God does not want us to be always thinking about ways to get more money and things for ourselves.

Life on earth is for a short time.  Why spend so much money on expensive fancy things that last for such a short time?

Why not spend money on things that will last forever?

We need to give to others —in the name of Jesus. Because we follow Jesus. Because we have learned to be kind of heart —and giving —like He is.

If we are willing to live with less fancy expensive things ——and live with ordinary average things—– we can help others.

We do not need to spend our money on expensive things for our own pleasure—-we can give money to feed the poor or help them in other needs——or help missionaries tell about Jesus to other people.

In doing so—- we will have  treasures in heaven.