Bible Questions—-#4757-4768—-Romans Chp. 4 Vs. 1-16

Bible Questions #4757-4768

By Joyce Webb

Romans     Chapter 4    Verses 1-16

4757. Verses 1-3 (The Jews felt that because they were of the “family” of Abraham—that they were “godly”. They did not see themselves as “sinners” needing forgiveness.) They thought if they obeyed the laws of Moses—they were okay.

Vs. 2 Paul said, If Abraham was made “just” and “righteous” because of his works and what he had done—-he might “glory” or be proud. But he could not be proud before God because God knows all that we do and think—no man is without sin.

4758. Vs. 3 The reason Abraham was made “righteous” before God—-was because he did what? _______________________________________________

Vs. 4-5 The person who works –he gets paid —his reward for his work. His reward is the payment of “debt” for his work.

Vs. 5 Righteousness is not because of our work. We can not become “righteous” by work—being good.

(Because we have sinned in the past—and we can never go on in the future and be perfect without sin—we will sin in the future.)

His faith is what makes him righteous. His faith in God.

It is not the person’s works. It is his faith.

(Because our “works” can never be good enough or perfect.)

Vs. 6 King David spoke about how blessed man is that we can be righteous without working for it.

4759. Vs. 7 He said: “Blessed are they whose iniquities (sins) are

4760. Vs. 8. “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute (hold the man responsible–or guilty) of s__________.

4761. Vs. 9 Does this blessing come from circumcision only? Or from r______________________also?
We say that f______________ was (reckoned) counted as r_____________________ to Abraham.

4762. Vs. 10 Was Abraham counted as righteous before he was circumcised or after he was circumcised? He was counted righteous before he was c_______________________.

Vs. 11 The was told to be circumcised as a sign—of his faith.

While he was uncircumcised—God saw his faith and counted him as righteous.

Later, he was told to circumcise himself and all males in his house.

4763. Because of his faith—-he has become the father of all who

4764. (Even when they are not circumcised.)—-r__________________ is given to them.

4765. Vs. 12 Abraham is the father of —not just those who are circumcised—but of them who are not circumcised—he is the father of those who walk in f____________ like Abraham had.

4766. Vs. 13 Abraham was given the promise—that he would be the “father” of many in the world. This promise was not because he obeyed the “laws” of God—–but because of his f____________.

(Abraham did not have the “laws”—-they were not given until Moses—the 10 commandments and other laws.)

Vs. 14-15 Some think their righteousness comes from obeying the laws—-this is not true.
“Faith” is not part of “working to obey” the laws.

The laws are hard —-and if one fails to do even one—there is punishment.

If there is no law—there is no breaking them or failing.

4767. Vs. 16 So—it is by f____________, so that it can be by g______________ (God’s grace and love to us)

4768. Vs. 16  so that the promise if to all seed (people) —–not just those who have the law, but to those who have the f______________ of A___________________ —who is the f_________________ of us all.