Book 24—-Mark—-Chp. 8 Vs. 34-38


By Joyce Webb 2023

Chapter 8     Vs. 34-38

Jesus had just asked Peter who he thought Jesus was. Peter answered that he thought Jesus was “The Christ”. Meaning–the Promised Messiah that the Old Testament promised would come.

Jesus explained that the Jewish leaders would not accept him, and that he would suffer and be killed—then after 3 days he would rise again.

Peter was surprised ! He expected Jesus to become the leader of the Jewish people and stop Rome from ruling over them.

Peter said to Jesus—No ! Do not let it be so ! But Jesus corrected Peter and said, Yes, it is so–it is God’s will.

Verse 34 Jesus said to the disciples–and other people—–Jesus said–”Whoever will come after me—let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

To deny ones self means—to give up what you want—and do what Jesus wants. To take up your “cross” means to do things that may be hard and difficult to do.
Verse 35 The Jesus said—Whoever will save his life—-will lose it.

Whoever will lose his life—for my sake—and the gospel’s sake—will save his life.
This means—if we put Jesus first in our life—if we give up what we may want to do—-so we can do Jesus’ will—or so we can teach and preach to others—we will save our life.

I remember when I was young and some of the young people were together talking about what they hoped to do in the future.

One girl said, she did not need to pray about it. She wanted to be a nurse and she did not want to ask what God wanted for her.

Being a nurse is a good thing. But I thought much about what she said. I thought—God knows what we like—God knows what skill and talent we have. He will guide us to do the best thing for us.

We do not have to be afraid that God’s will for us will be a bad thing. We do not have to be afraid that God’s will for us will be awful and we will hate it.

I thought it was not wise to say to ones self—I will plan my future and I do not care what God wants for me.

In this verse 35 it is telling us that if we look to God first and let him lead us—if we want to give our life to God to do what he wants—we will find a full satisfying life.

If we ignore God—and choose our own way—we may lose our spiritual connection and fellowship with God.

And, we may find, that what we thought we wanted—does not fit us at all and we are not happy with it.

Verse 36 Jesus said—-What profit will it be—to gain the whole world—and lose your soul?

I can think of men who have given their life to making money to be rich and powerful—they have no time for God. They may be the richest man in the world—but they will lose their soul and go to hell.

All the money and power in the world—will not be worth it—if you end up in hell because you had no time for God.

Verse 37 Jesus said What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

What would a person be willing to pay to get out of hell?

What would a person be willing to pay to get into heaven?

What is more important than your soul? What is more important than where you will live forever in eternity?

Forever is a long, long time. Which would you choose? Heaven or hell?

You have to choose while you are still living—once you are dead—it is too late.

Verse 38 Jesus said, Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words——I will be ashamed of him—- when he stands before my Father with the holy angels.