Bible Questions #4711-4719
By Joyce Webb
Romans Chapter 1 Verses 16-32
4711. Verse 16 Paul said, “ I am not _____________________ of the gospel of Christ. It is the ______________ of God unto ___________________________ to everyone that ________________________—to the ____________ first and then to the _______________.
4712. Verse 17 For in the gospel—the r____________________
of God is revealed. It is written “The _______________ shall live by ___________________.” Habakkuk 2:4, Galatians 3:1
(This verse–“The just shall live by faith.” is the verse that got Martin Luther thinking about all the things the Roman Catholic church taught.
Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic church. They say he “protested” (spoke against their teachings). People who followed Martin Luther’s way of thinking became known as those who “protest”—–Protestants.
Before Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic church—-the Catholic church had been the only Christian church.
After Jesus’ disciples went around preaching, and Paul and others went around preaching—there were just small groups of believers.
When more people began to accept the belief in Jesus Christ, then it became more organized. Leaders of the churches were called bishops.
The main religion at that time were people who worshipped idols.
The state run government was made up of people who worshipped idols. They made laws that the Christians did not want to follow.
They made trouble for the Christians.
Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal. The government could not make trouble for them because they were Christians.
As more people became Christians, the bishops met together and later a leader was chosen to be the head of all the Christian churches. The leader was called the Pope.
As time went by, this leader became very powerful. He made many rules. Martin Luther was part of the Catholic church—but as he read the scriptures—he did not think that the church’s rules matched what the Bible said. So he “protested” —-he quoted this verse “The just shall live by faith.“
Meaning that being a Christian and having salvation was not about following man made rules of the church. It was our faith in believing that Jesus paid our death punishment for us and all we have to do is believe it. We are saved because we have faith and believe Jesus.
We do not have to belong to any church. No church group can save us. No church leader can save us. It is between us and Jesus
The Catholic church began to teach that a person needed to go to a priest to confess his sins.
The Bible does not teach that.
Martin Luther left the Catholic church. People who followed Luther’s way of thinking became known as Lutherans/and Protestants.
4713. Verse 18-20 These verse tell that no person will be able to stand before God and say that they did not know about God.
It speaks of God’s power shown in creation—the wonderful things of creation show that there is a God who made it all happen.
The end of verse 20 says that they will be without ________________________.
4714. Verse 21 Tells that when people once believed in God —they changed —and they g______________________ him not as God. Neither were they t__________________________
They became proud in their own ideas and their foolish hearts were
4715. Verse 22 They told themselves they were w_____________
But God said they became f_____________.
4716. Verse 23 They changed the glory of God— who has life forever —into an image of things that die—-like b_____________ b____________________, c_______________________ things.
4717. Verse 24 So God gave them up. He let them go on in their unclean ways—-the lust of their hearts–they dis-honored their own
b__________________ between themselves.
4718. Verse 25 They changed the truth of God into a l__________
And worshipped and served the c___________________ more than the C___________________,
Verse 26 For this reason, God gave them up and let them do their vile affections (not honorable, even wicked, love making)
For even the women changed the natural use into something that was not natural.
So also, the men—left the natural use of the woman and had lust for other men. Men doing with men that which is not right, and receiving to themselves the “payment” or consequence of their wrong doing—which they deserved.
Verse 28-31 They did not want to remember God. So God gave them over to do those things that are not right—-unrighteous,
Fornication (sexual sin), being wicked, coveting, mean, full of envy, murder, arguing, deceit (fooling people) , having desire to do evil, gossip about others, saying mean things about others, doing mean things to others, haters of God, proud, boasting, making up evil things to do, not obeying parents, not having understanding,
Not keeping promises or agreements, not having natural affection. Unable to be pleased, not having mercy.
Verse 32 They know the judgments of God—knowing that people who do these things are worthy of death—but they do these things anyway—and they have pleasure in seeing other people do them.
This is a very long list of many kinds of evil things.
In verse 26, we see what God thinks about women making love to women and men making love to men. Verses from the Old Testament say the same. God speaks to Moses—see Leviticus 18:22-25. Leviticus 20:13. Deuteronomy 23:17—also in the New Testament —I Corinthians6:9. I Timothy 1:9,10. Also the story of Sodom and Lot Genesis 19:5
When God calls something “abominable”—that means He thinks it is very bad.