Bible Questions #4700-4710–Romans Chp. 1 Vs. 1-15

Bible Questions #4700-4710

By Joyce Webb

Romans Chapter 1 Verses 1-15

4700. Verse 1 Paul calls himself a ______________ of ______________ ________________ and an ______________

4701. Paul says he is set apart (separated) for doing what?

4702. Verse 2 Paul says, this gospel was promised long ago by the ___________________________ of the ________________________________;

4703. Verse 3 Jesus Christ, our Lord—in his human flesh—is of the seed or family of ________________________ (This also was promised in the Old Testament. God promised King David that a member of his family would always be a king and rule—-forever.

That would not be an earthly king—it would be a “forever eternal king” one of his family members in the future—-Jesus.

4704. Verse 4 Jesus was declared to be the Son of God.

(At Jesus’ baptism with John the Baptist—a voice from heaven said—“This is my son in whom I am well pleased.”

And he would prove he was the Son of God by his p___________,
His h____________________, and by r___________________________ from the dead.

(All by himself—Jesus came alive again. That showed he was God. Only God has life in himself.
Jesus said — John 10:18 ”No man takes my life from me—-I lay it down.” And then, he took it up again.

4705. Paul said, By Jesus, we have received g_______________ and a______________________(apostle—a special chosen disciple)

Paul was called to obey the faith, and to preach to all n____________________ for Jesus’ name.

4706. Verse 7 Paul is speaking to the Romans. He says, you also are called of Jesus Christ. All that are in R_________________.

You are called to be s____________________ (meaning believers)

4707. Verse 8 I thank God for all of you—your f______________
is spoken of around the world.

4708. Verse 9-11 God is my witness. I pray for you always. I ask that I can c________________ to you. I want very much to see you. So that I can give you a s_________________________ gift. So that you will be established (firm, steady) in the faith.

4709. Verse 12 We can give c______________ to each other in our faith.

Verse 13 I have planned to come to you—but I was kept from coming. There were those who did not want me to come and preach so that I might have “f_______________” —People to become believers. Even as other G_____________________ have become believers.

4710. Verse 14, 15 I must tell the gospel to the G____________
and the b__________________________, the w______________ and those who are not _______________ .
As much as I am able—I am ready to preach the gospel to you in R______________ also.