Book 24—–Mark—-Chp.7 Vs. 1-14


By Joyce Webb 2022

Chapter 7 Vs. 1-14

Verse 1 Some of the Jewish leaders came to Jesus. (Pharisees, scribes, from Jerusalem.)
Verse 2 They saw some of the disciples eat bread without washing their hands.
The washing of hands for the Jewish people was not like we wash our hands to wash away germs or dirt. It was a religious thing.
There are several times where Jewish law requires hand washing, including:
after sleeping or napping
after going to the bathroom
after leaving a cemetery
before a meal, if bread is involved
after a meal,— if the “salt of Sodom” was used

This is how you were to wash your hands:

Fill a washing cup with enough water for both of your hands.

If you are left-handed, begin with your left hand. If you are right-handed, start with your right hand.

Pour the water twice on your dominant hand and then twice on your other hand.

Make sure the water covers your entire hand up to the wrist with each pour and separate your fingers so the water touches the whole of your hand.

After washing, grab a towel and as you dry your hands recite the blessing: Blessed are you Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the washing of the hands

The main reason given for washing after the meal is to wash away the “salt of Sodom” that we used during the meal.

While today salt is pure and refined, in previous generations salt came from salt flats, like in Sodom, which were filled with caustic chemicals.
Rather than risk chemical burns, it became a custom to rinse off our fingers and lips from the salt.

Why should we have to wash our hands after the meal if we did not use salt specifically from Sodom?

The book Ani Tefilati answers that the people of Sodom were so inhospitable (were not kind to their guests) that they did not give their guests even salt.

Salt is a seasoning, and thus turned into a mark for inhospitality. To not give your guests salt–was being very rude and selfish.

Washing of hands after the meal became a reminder to be kind and generous to others.

(If you go to Israel today, in the public restrooms you will see a cup chained to the sink. It is there for ritual hand washing.)

Notice: This kind of hand washing was from long ago days. Perhaps they did not have soap or most people did not use it.

Today we know that we need soap to kill the germs. They did not know about germs long ago. So they thought water was enough to wash with.

The Pharisees saw that some of the disciples had not done this ritual hand washing. They told Jesus about it.

Verse 3 The Pharisees, and all Jews did this ritual hand washing.

Verse 4 When Jews came home from the market—they washed their hands. There were other customs of washing of cups, pots, and brass vessels and of tables.

Verse 5 The Pharisees asked Jesus why his disciples did not wash their hands.

Verse 6 Jesus said to the Pharisees—Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet told about you. You are hypocrites. (A hypocrite is a person who says they believe in one thing—but then they do something else.)

Isaiah said: “This people honors me with their mouth and lips, but their heart is far from me.

Verse 7 In vain, (empty) they worship me. They teach commandments of men— and say they are the doctrines or truth teachings from God.”

Verse 8 Jesus said to them—You lay aside the commandment of God. You hold to the traditions (customs, ideas) of men, like the washing of pots, and cups, and many other things you do.

Verse 9 Jesus said to them—You know you reject (refuse, put away) the commandment of God—so that you can keep your traditions (customs, ideas).

Verse 10 Moses said—Honor your father and your mother.
Whoever cursed his father or mother—he should die.

Verse 11 But you (Pharisees) say—If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban (a gift or offering given to God).

Meaning that the money they would have given to their father or mother—they gave it in a offering to God instead.

So, then they did not have money to give to the parent.

Verse 12 So you give nothing to your parent to help them.

Verse 13 You make the word of God void (empty, nothing) because of your own ideas and teachings. Many of your teachings are like this.