Book 24—Mark —Chp. 5 Vs. 35-43—Chp. 6 Vs. 1-6


By Joyce Webb 2022

Chapter 5 Verses 35- 43 Chapter 6 Verses 1-6

Verse 35 Jesus was on his way to Jarius’ house to heal his daughter because she was near death.

On the way a woman– in the crowd —touched Jesus’ robe and was healed.

Then a servant in Jarius’ house came to Jarius and said:

“Your daughter has died. The is no need to trouble Jesus about healing her.”

Verse 36 Jesus heard what was said. He said to the leader,
“Do not be afraid, only believe.”

Verse 37 Jesus did not allow the group of people to follow him.
He chose Peter, James and John to go with him.

Verse 38 When Jesus came to the leader’s house, there were many people outside weeping (crying) and making a lot of noise.

Verse 39 Jesus asked them, “Why all this crying and noise? The girl is not dead. She is sleeping.”

(In countries like Israel— there was and still is —-a custom of “wailing” when someone dies. Wail–to cry loudly with a high loud voice.
In those countries, they make a loud trilling sound to show sorrow and grief.

Wailing is done by friends and it can also be done by women who are paid to wail.

There are women who are professional wailers. You could hire them to come and “wail” at the death of someone.

This showed your great sorrow about this person’s death.

It is possible that this is what was happening at Jarius’ house and why there was so much noise.)

Verse 40 The people laughed at Jesus’ words.

Jesus told the people in the house to go out. He took the mother, father and the 3 disciples with him into the girl’s room.

Verse 41 He took the hand of the girl and said, “Girl, I say to you, get up.”

Verse 42 The girl opened her eyes and sat up. She got up and walked around. She was about 12 years old.

The mother, father, 3 disciples and the people —-were all surprised and amazed at what happened.

Verse 43 Jesus said to them—Do not tell other people about this.
Then he told them to give the girl something to eat.

Chapter 6 Verses 1-6

Verse 1 After this Jesus went back to his hometown.

Verse 2 On the Sabbath day, (7th day—their day of worship)—-Jesus went to the church. He stood up and began to teach.

The people were amazed at his wisdom and the things he said.
They were also amazed at the miracles he did.

Verse 3 The people of his hometown—-said to each other—this is the carpenter’s son. We know his family.

He is the son of Mary. He is the brother of James, Joses, and Judah and Simon. And his sisters live here among us.
(There is a large church group—- that say that Jesus did not have brothers or sisters.

But this verse says that he did.

They read the verses in Matthew Chp. 12 Verses 46-50 and say that Jesus denied (said he did not have) brothers and sisters—that anyone who is a believer—is his brother and sister.

These verse 46-50 also include his mother. If this verse means that Jesus was saying he did not have brothers and sisters—was he also saying that the woman was not his mother?

I do not think so.

They were his mother and brothers — his earthly body and family.

Jesus was trying to get the people to understand a spiritual truth—that those who believe in him are his “family”, also— a spiritual family.)

Verse 3 The people were “offended” by Jesus. (It made the people feel anger and hurt.)

(It seems that they were angry— because they thought —-
a hometown boy was trying to be someone special that he was not.

But they heard him speak— and thought what he said was so wise.
They heard about his miracles and were surprised and amazed.)

Verse 4 Jesus said to them: A prophet has honor among the people—except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.

(Jesus brothers did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son.
They did not believe he was truly “special”.

John 7:1-5 His brothers tell Jesus to go into Judea so that they may “see the works that you do” and “show yourself to the world”

Vs. 5 “For neither did his brothers believe in him.

Later, 2 of the brothers did—because they wrote two of the New Testament books—James and Jude.

We do not know about the rest of the brothers or sisters.

In verses in Matthew 13:58 also tells: Jesus did not do many miracles because the people of his hometown did not believe in him.)

Verse 5 Jesus could do no mighty work there—-except a few he laid his hands on and healed them.

Verse 6 Jesus was amazed at their not believing.

Jesus went around to other villages, teaching.