Book 24—-Mark—-Chp. 2 Vs. 1-17


By Joyce Webb 2022

Chapter 2 Verses 1-17

Verse 1 Jesus was in the town of Capernaum. News went around that Jesus was there.

Many people came to where Jesus was staying. There were so many people —–that they could not all get inside. Many were standing around the house outside.

Jesus preached to them.

Many wanted Jesus to heal them.

Four men brought a friend to be healed. He had palsy. The men saw that they could not get into the house to get near Jesus. So they went up on the roof and pulled up the tiles on the roof.

They made a hole in the roof —-and with the sick man on a mat with ropes tied to it—-they let the man down into the room below.

When Jesus saw their faith and that they went to such work to get their friend healing—Jesus said to the man–”Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Verse 6 Some of the Jewish church leaders were there. When they heard Jesus tell the man that his sins were forgiven, they became angry.

Verse 7 They said to themselves—who does this man think he is?
Only God can forgive sins.

Verse 8-9 Jesus felt in his spirit what the men were thinking.
He said to them, “Which is easier? To forgive someone or to heal them?

Of course, the answer is—both healing and forgiveness can only be done by God.

If Jesus can heal —then he must be God—so he can also forgive sin.

Verse 10 Jesus said: “I said he was forgiven—so that you would know that the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins.”

Verse 11 To the sick man, Jesus said: “Take up your bed (mat) and go your way to your home.”

Verse 12 The sick man stood up—healed— he took up his bed/mat and went out. All the people were amazed. They praised God.
They said: “We have never seen such things like this before.”

Verse 13 Jesus went out by the sea. The people followed him.
Jesus began to preach and teach them about God.

Verse 14 As Jesus walked along, he saw Levi (Matthew) sitting at a table to collect taxes.

(The Roman government ruled over the Jewish people and made them pay taxes to the Roman government.

The Jewish people hated this. They also hated Jewish men who worked for the Roman government to collect the taxes.)

Jesus said to Levi—Come follow me. Levi followed Jesus.

Verse 15 Jesus went to Levi’s house for a meal. There were other men there, also. Other tax collectors and other men whom people did not like much.

Verse 16 When the scribes (Jewish leaders were copied the scriptures onto scrolls)
and Pharisees (Jewish church leaders)

saw Jesus eating with all those people—–they said: “Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and with other “sinners”?

Verse 17 Jesus heard what they said and he said to them—”People who are well and healthy do not need a doctor. People who are sick need a doctor. “

Jesus said: “I came into the world—not to preach to people who are holy and righteous, but to preach to those who need to repent.”