Book 23—-Luke—-Chp. 24 Vs. 1-35


By Joyce Webb 2021

Chapter 24     Verses 1-35

Verse 1 It was the first day of the week—that is Sunday.

Very early in the morning.

(When Jesus died—Women (friends of Jesus)— had come with Joseph of Arimathaea to wrap up Jesus’ body and put him in Joseph’s tomb.)

(Because it had been so close to the time Passover was to begin——-they had to hurry—, they were not able to use all the spices they wanted or to wrap the body as well as they wanted.)

Now that Passover is finished, they have come back to take care of Jesus’ body in a better way. They have brought more spices.

Bodies were wrapped in cloth strips and spices put in among the strips of cloth.

When the women arrived at the tomb, they were surprised to see that the large stone that had been rolled over the opening, was now rolled back.

When they looked into the tomb, Jesus’ body was not there.

Verse 4 They were standing there wondering what happened, —when they saw two men in shining robes.

The women were afraid. The bowed their faces to the ground.

The two men said, “Why are you looking for someone who is living—-here among the dead?”

Verse 6, 7 The two men said: “He is not here. He is risen.”

“Remember, how he said to you while you were in Galilee—that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the 3rd day, he will rise again.”

Verse 8 Then the women remembered what Jesus said.

Verse 9 The women returned to their homes, and told the other disciples what they had seen at the tomb.

Verse 10 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women told the disciples what they saw.

Verse 11 The disciples could not believe what the women were saying—it was like hearing fairy tale story.

Verse 12 Peter ran to the tomb to see things. He went into the tomb. He saw the grave clothes laying there. He left wondering what had happened.

Verse 13, 14 Two of the followers of Jesus were walking to the town of Emmaus —about 7 miles from Jerusalem. As they walked, they talked about all the things that happened.

Verse 15, 16 As they were walking, another man joined walking with them. It was Jesus—but they did not know it was him.

Verse 17 Jesus said to them, Why are you so sad? What are you talking about?

Verse 18 One of the men answered—You are a stranger in Jerusalem. You do not know what has happened.

Verse 19 Jesus said, What has happened?

They began to tell him about Jesus. That he was a prophet from Nazareth. He did good things, He spoke good things.

Verse 20 Now the Jewish chief priests have asked for him to be killed and he was crucified.

The men said, We hoped he had come to save Israel—meaning to save them as a nation from Roman rule.

Also, today is the 3rd day since all these things were done.

Verse 22, 23 Some of the women went to the tomb where he was buried and they said his body was gone—it was not in the tomb.

Verse 24 Some of the disciples went to the tomb and saw it was true—his body was not there.

Verse 25 Then Jesus said to them, “You are foolish, and slow to believe what the prophets have told about.”

Verse 26 “The prophets told how the Christ would suffer and then enter into glory.”

Verse 27 Beginning with Moses, and all the other prophets—Jesus began to tell of the scriptures that told how the Messiah-Christ would suffer, die for the sins of the people.

Verse 28 The 3 of them were near the village now. Jesus acted like he would keep on going, but the 2 men asked him to stay with them because it was almost evening. So Jesus went into the inn with them.

Verse 30 As the men were eating supper, Jesus took the bread and began to break it into pieces. At that moment, the two men realized who “this man” was—they saw it was Jesus—alive—not dead.

Verse 31 As soon as they realized it was Jesus —Jesus vanished—he just disappeared into the air. The place where he was sitting was empty.

Verse 32 The two men were so surprised ! They said to each other—did we not feel in our spirit —something —that spoke of truth—when he was explaining the scriptures to us?

Verse 33 They decided not to stay overnight in the inn, but to return back to Jerusalem–even though it was now evening.

(It was a dangerous thing to be walking a long journey at night—there were many robbers out at night.)

When they arrived back at Jerusalem, they told the other disciples what had happened.

Verse 34 They said, The Lord is risen and he appeared to Peter

(There is not a scripture verse that talks about this time that Jesus appeared to Peter.
Later, Paul speaks of it in I Corinthians 15:5. It must have happened before Jesus showed himself to the group of disciples.)

Verse 35 The two men told of all that happened, and then how when Jesus broke the bread —they realized who he was.