Book 23—-Luke—-Chp. 23 Vs. 34-43


By Joyce Webb 2021

Chapter 23 Verses 34-43

Verse 34 Jesus prayed—Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.

The soldiers took Jesus’ clothes. They threw dice to see who would get his outer robe.

In John 19 23, John explained that Jesus’ clothes were divided into 4 groups. Each soldier got something. The outer robe was a very nice one. It was made without seams. So they decided to throw dice to see who would get it.

Verse 35 People stood by watching. Jewish leaders watched and mocked and made fun of him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself—-if he is the Christ, the chosen of God.”

(The truth was—If Jesus saved himself—-he would not be saving any one else.

The reason he came into the world and was born into a human body —–was to die and pay the death punishment for man’s sin.

If Jesus saved himself—why bother coming to earth?

He could not save himself if he was going to take the death punishment instead of us.)

Verse 36 The soldiers also had mocking things to say. They offering him vinegar to sip.

(Bible teachers think this was a sour wine, and maybe it had a drug in it to dull the pain. Jesus did not take it.)

Verse 37 They also said, If you are the king of the Jews, then save yourself.

Verse 38 Words were written on a board to hang on the cross over Jesus’ head–it was written in 3 languages –Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. It said—This is the King of the Jews.

Verse 39 One of the men on a cross beside Jesus, said “If you are the Christ, save yourself and save us.”

Verse 40 The other man on the other cross, said to that man—Do you not fear God? You are about to die like him. You and I have done wrong and are now being punished for it. He has done nothing wrong.

Then he said to Jesus—Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

Jesus said to him—Today you will be with me in paradise (heaven).

(It does not take long for someone to be “saved”. As soon as you believe and confess your sins to Jesus and ask for forgiveness—it is done. )